The Public Establishment for Industrial Estates – Madayn, represented by Madayn Industrial Academy, organised a virtual workshop on ‘Fundamentals of Contracts and Tenders’. Moderated by Dr. Hammad Al Nasseri of Sultan Qaboos University, the workshop highlighted topics related to the fundamentals of tenders and contracts in government and public projects, the difference between tender and contract, types of tenders, components of a tender, tendering process, tender evaluation, types of contracts and their implementation, an overview on the standard contract for building and civil engineering works, in addition to other related topics.

It is worthwhile mentioning that Madayn Industrial Academy was established to offer training opportunities for the national cadres to enhance administrative, financial and technical skills, raise their productivity, provide value adding services to the investors in the industrial cities, and provide new job opportunities for the national cadres. Madayn Industrial Academy conducts a series of training programmes and events that address the trending topics locally and globally. Madayn aims through the academy to develop the skills of the national cadres through providing scientific and practical training opportunities in order to meet the requirements of the industrial sector in the Sultanate.

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