Doha, Qatar - Le Mirage Real Estate, Qatar’s leading real estate development and property management company, has joined forces with Virgina Commonwealth University in Qatar (VCUarts-Qatar) to launch a competition for talented interior design students.

Students will be tasked to design interiors of a two bedroom apartment in Le Mirage City walk - an apartment which is specially designed to make life easier for residents with special needs.

The uniqueness of this competition stems from the fact that students will be asked to design spaces giving special attention to cultural influences, sustainability principles and catering to people with special needs.

The ‘Designs for Life’ competition, a part of Le Mirage’s community and education outreach program, will provide VCU-Q’s third year interior design students a great platform to put their skills and design knowledge to good use.

The contest will invite creative design talent, in teams of two, to produce fresh ideas and visualize interiors for a typical 2-bedroom apartment at the 400-apartment luxurious Le Mirage Citywalk. The challenge being to design an apartment with special touches and creative features which make residents with special needs enjoy apartment living. Designers must consider all aspects of a 118sqm apartment, including approach and accessibility, floor plan and layout, hallways, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom design, lighting and furniture, and adapt them in their fit out designs for residents in wheelchairs.

Mr. Amer Fares, CEO of Sharaka Holdings, the parent company of Le Mirage Real Estate, said: “Le Mirage Real Estate has a mission to reach new horizons, set new trends and reach beyond the ordinary to achieve the extraordinary with every project we develop. This partnership with an esteemed institution such as Virginia Commonwealth University allows us to push the boundaries further and set new trends. Sharaka Holdings the parent company of Le Mirage Real Estate is very involved in education in Qatar. Le Mirage real estate and Sharaka believe that this collaboration brings the company’s mission into more concerted focus while realizing the greater goal of contributing towards the development of Qatar’s youth and future. “

“Sustainability is at the core of our business and the ‘Designs for Life’ competition together with the design award aligns with our goals for sustainability. Students are our future, the next generation of great minds who will continue the progression of established companies such as Le Mirage real estate and the development of the wider industry and economy in line with the Qatar National Vision 2030,” Mr. Fares added.

“We look forward to an exciting competition and some vibrant, fresh ideas that will inspire and enable residents to benefit from the best facilities in town. This competition gives talented young designers a fantastic opportunity to showcase their talents and share their designs with the world. Best of luck to all participants”

“Cherif Amor, Chair of interior design department at VCU-Q, stated: "Our partnership with Le Mirage Real Estate finds impetus in VCUarts Qatar’s strategic plan that calls for the development of projects and initiatives that take VCUarts Qatar out into the community. Additionally, the interior design department is regulated by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) that underscores the necessity to engage students in Outreach projects. Undoubtedly, the interior design students will amply benefit from this “Designs for Life” Competition as it paves the way for a real life project challenges, including but not limited to cultural influences, sustainability principles, and physically impaired space users".

‘Designs for Life’ will present the designers of the future with a unique opportunity to get noticed with all entrees showcased on Le Mirage and VCU-Q social media. Entrants will be judged on their design intent, approach and actual design, in addition to the realistic feasibility of their creations by an experienced and eminent panel of judges including VCU-Q faculty, interior designers from Le Mirage Real Estate and industry leaders.

The first prize winning team will earn a trip to a leading international interior design exhibition.

Teams entering the contest will also see their designs showcased on Le Mirage social media, with the public voting for their favourite design. The winners of the online voting will earn a two-month paid internship at Le Mirage Real Estate .

The contest is open exclusively to VCU-Q 3rd year students with all submissions due by mid-November. Judging will begin the following week with the winners announced by mid- December.


About Le Mirage Real Estate:

Founded in 1968, Le Mirage is the star brand of the Sharaka Holdings Group. The company leverages more than 45 years of real estate expertise and is credited with developing some of the most exclusive and prestigious properties in Qatar.

The Le Mirage collection spans residential, commercial, hospitality and mixed-use developments in prime locations.

Le Mirage brand focuses on “building beautiful lives”. It doesn’t just build beautiful properties, it creates extraordinary environments in which beautiful lives are lived”.

The company success is built on providing exceptional living and working environments with international and modern character. With attention to detail and passion to create exceptional properties Le Mirage always delivers more than expected.

© Press Release 2018

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