Kuwait City - H.E. Dr. Khaled Mahdi the Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Planning & Development (SCPD) in Kuwait delivered the opening presentation on building “New Kuwait”; the vision, the goals and the strategy to achieve them at Kuwait Infrastructure Week.

Supported by The General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning & Development, the Ministry of Electricity & Water and Kuwait Institute of Science & Research (KISR), Advanced Conferences & Meetings launched Kuwait Infrastructure Week at Jumeirah Messilah Hotel in Kuwait City.

Dr. Rania Al Azmi gave an update on the key ways that these projects could be financed and what the country needs to do to attract more foreign investment into these.

The first day of Kuwait Infrastructure Week included a panel discussion on how to successfully deliver large scale mixed-use projects. The panel discussion brought together Mike Wood from the Ministry of Electricity & Water, Raghav Gandhi from the National Real Estate Company.

Day two (October 30 and 31) featured many more interesting presentations, to name a few: Overview of Kuwait’s energy & water mega projects and reviewing Kuwait’s Energy System Model and Strategy.

Eng. Suhaila Marafie, Director of Studies and Research Department from the Ministry of Electricity & Water highlighted the key renewable energy and water management projects that are currently taking place and are planned for the near future.

She joined key representatives from KISR, MPW and KFAS, solar and water developers and technology providers to discuss the best ways forward to realise the additional capacity building necessary to support Kuwait’s growth plans.

Day three of the event will include presentations on research & development initiatives in water desalination and treatment and exploring the next generation brine desalination and its impact and many more.

The event included many networking breaks that brought together all attendees, speakers and sponsors in a professional friendly atmosphere.
This three days event created the perfect platform for the attendees to build relations, exchange ideas and seize business opportunities throughout the ACMi+ interface that allowed for many networking breaks which created a dynamic, efficient and relevant learning environment.

Many key players participated in this event, to name a few: Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Environment & Water, Azmi & AlHajri, KIPCO, Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA, ACWA Power, Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, Kuwait University and Acciona Agua.

Solution providers like Carrier Middle East UTC, Doka, Wienerberger, Hempel, Taldeen and Kahromika showcased their newest technologies and solutions in the field of housing, energy and water efficiency.

For more information, please visit: www.kuwaitinfrastructureweek.com or contact Jessica Bou Samra at Jessica.bousamra@acm-events.com

© Press Release 2017