UAE – The Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) has announced transformation projects under "We the UAE 2031" vision, which constitutes a new vision and national action plan through which the UAE will continue its development journey and enter the first decade of the next fifty years.

TDRA has announced 3 transformation projects with an important strategic impact, which are the Digital Vault within the banking, insurance and telecommunication sectors, Children's Communication Services Program, and Digital Customer Journey Quality Measurement Program.

These projects are in line with "We the UAE 2031" Vision and its integrated development program for the next ten years, covering social, economic, investment and development aspects, especially within the "Forward Ecosystem" pillar, and in alignment with the special directions of the pillar, including building the government of the future. The announced projects also fall within an integrated file of initiatives and programs emanating from the Digital Transformation Strategy with the aim of consolidating the foundations and concepts of a comprehensive and integrated digital life in the UAE, while confirming the UAE’s global position as a leading and advanced country in the field of digital government and in embracing emerging technologies to serve customers, and support applications that contribute to establishing an attractive digital economic environment.

In this context, H.E. Eng. Majed Sultan Al Mesmar, TDRA Director General, said: “TDRA transformation projects fall under the general context of the UAE’s directions and the vision of its wise leadership, and represent an interpretation of several pillars of “We the UAE 2031” vision, which enhances the UAE’s future readiness. We are pleased that the ICT sector is the sector that supports progress in all fields, especially the economic field, through the consolidation of the digital economy, which enhances the UAE’s leading position on the global map. In addition, our transformation projects for the current stage are related to economy, youth, and the various segments of customers, which constitute the main headlines for creating the desired future.”

The Digital Vault project contributes to enabling the telecom sector , banking sector , insurance and private sectors to design and provide seamless digital services to customers in a way that enhances the quality of life in the UAE, on the grounds of ease, trust and privacy by using a digital vault that allows sharing reliable data and documents with the approval of the customer. These services are designed in line with the laws and policies of the UAE, including the Electronic Transactions and Trust Services Law and the Personal Data Protection Law.

The Children's Communication Services Program is a special project with an important social dimension. It includes launching telecom services and packages for minors in cooperation with the licensees to provide telecom services safely, which facilitates the use of modern technology such as smart watches and wearable devices. This initiative will be the first of its kind in the region, and it keeps pace with the increasing use of digital technologies by children in the fields of education, entertainment, and others. The initiative aims to regulate the use of telecom services by minors, to protect this segment of society, and to encourage minors to safely engage in the use of technology.

The Digital Customer Journey Quality Measurement Program project aims to improve user experiences and support decision-making through a data analysis platform that gives a deeper understanding of applications using AI in operations, which leads to providing interactive and proactive monitoring and analysis to identify the root causes of errors and slowdowns in operations related to service provision, to make the services seamless and available around the clock.

This project aims to improve customer happiness by reaching a better user experience at the level of government services in general and with the aim of achieving the UAE vision in the "Forward Ecosystem" pillar and the national directions in providing the best government services.


About TDRA:

The Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) undertakes the task of supervising the telecommunications and digital government sectors in the UAE in accordance with the Telecommunications Law issued by Federal law by Decree No. (3) of 2003 and its amendments, and in accordance with Decree No. 23 issued on September 27, 2020, amending some provisions of Federal Law by Decree No. (3) of 2003 regarding the regulation of the telecommunication sector, and adding the “digital government” to the functions and name of the authority.

TDRA’s regulatory role is to ensure the provision of distinguished telecommunications services, develop the telecommunications sector, ensure the interests of the parties, apply the relevant policy and regulatory frameworks, develop human resources, and encourage research and development, to ensure the UAE’s leading regional and global position in the telecommunications sector.

In the field of enabling digital transformation, TDRA is responsible for supervising the federal digital government under Law No. 3 of 2011. Since then, TDRA has become responsible for digital transformation at the national level through two strategic goals: enhancing the smart lifestyle, and Leadership in smart technological infrastructure in the UAE.