• Setting the Standard: Identifying 29 essential competencies for the Early Childhood Development workforce

Abu Dhabi, UAE: The Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Authority (ECA) has developed its Human Capital Strategy which mainly focuses on ensuring the availability of a specialized and highly competent workforce in the field of early childhood development, fully committed to ensuring the well-being of children.

As part of executing on the strategy, the ECA has identified a core set of essential competencies required from all practitioners in the field of Early Childhood Development (ECD). The objective of these competencies is to establish a shared understanding among employers and all members of the ECD workforce regarding the skills, knowledges and behaviours required from ECD professionals. They also serve as a foundation for an integrated professional development system that ensures consistency of services provided for children aged 0 to 8 across various settings and environments. 

Among the 29 competencies lie principles of fairness, empathy, and cooperation; a dedication to staying updated with current and evidence-based ECD tools and strategies; familiarity with child protection laws, policies, and protocols; understanding the impact of adverse childhood experiences and how to address them effectually; encouraging family and community engagement; demonstrating cultural awareness and sensitivity; promoting diversity and inclusion; and collaborating effectively with peers.

In her address, Her Excellency Sana Mohamed Suhail, Director-General of the Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Authority, emphasized the significance of the program as a pivotal milestone in the UAE's and Abu Dhabi's commitment to advancing the holistic development of children. She highlighted, “Beyond setting benchmarks, the program embodies a shared vision to cultivate a dynamic and inclusive professional framework within the sector. Through robust collaboration and forward-thinking strategies, the aim is not merely to meet standards but to exceed them, ensuring the delivery of exceptional services that resonate with the evolving needs of children and families. This initiative stands as a testament to the unwavering dedication and progressive spirit driving the nation's journey towards building thriving communities and nurturing future generations.”

This commitment to empowering ECD professionals and elevating the standards upon which employment decisions are based, alongside the continuous integration of training programs within annual development plans, is paramount and holds the promise of transformative impact on the sector. Through the active implementation of newly acquired skills in their daily practices and open dialogues with supervisors, the ECA’s Human Capital Program plays a pivotal role in promoting a more secure and prosperous future for all children in the UAE, ensuring they receive the highest quality of care and education.

More details on the program are available on a dedicated portal for the ECD competencies on ECA’s website. In addition to providing a detailed description of the 29 ECD competencies, the portal also offers a list of job profiles and job interview checklists for ECD-related positions as well as a list of courses and university pathways that embed the ECD competencies. Such tools are crucial enablers for a skilled ECD workforce in Abu Dhabi.