The Abu Dhabi Judicial Department concluded its ninth course of the basic qualification training program for experts, with the participation of 29 trainees- accounting experts and bankers - registered with Abu Dhabi Courts and Prosecution Offices. This 59-hour training course is designed to refine their practical experience and provide them with the necessary skills.
The program, implemented by the Abu Dhabi Judicial Academy, comes within the framework of the efforts exerted towards enhancing the role of the experts before the judicial authorities and bettering their performance as judicial assistants, in line with the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice President, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Presidential Court, and President of Abu Dhabi Judicial Department, to improve the performance of experts and to technically and practically qualify them in accordance with the best international standards, thus contributing to improving judicial performance and enhancing community confidence in the judicial system.
The Judicial Department emphasized the importance of providing specialized training for experts, with the aim of providing participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to develop their capabilities in legal contexts and boost the ethical conduct of court-appointed experts, and to help them practice the rules and procedures of providing their expertise efficiently and effectively as aides to judges and hence achieving world-class efficient justice.
The department indicated that the training of experts falls within the training curriculum prepared as a prerequisite for the experts to be listed with Abu Dhabi courts and prosecution offices, noting that the training program contributes to achieving the ADJD vision of excellence, efficient judicial system, and provision of high-quality Judicial services.
The program included many topics, including; General principles and judicial organization at the federal and local levels, circulars and decisions issued by the UAE Central Bank, introduction to the expert’s mission and role in labor disputes and small claims, the importance of expert testimony and its evidentiary significance, advanced knowledge of legislation, judicial systems and experts’ work, the nature of a legal action and parties to a case in light of the civil procedure law and its executive regulations, the role of experts in a case, the technical problems of an expert’s assignment, the limits of the assignment indicated in a judgment, the criteria for the use of technical expertise, the quality standards for a report submitted by a court-appointed expert and the common mistakes, the approved expert templets, and the simple interest calculation table approved by ADJD.
The course also provided the trainees with practical case studies on the legal procedures that the expert must observe while undertaking an assignment, introduction to the remote litigation system and procedures in Abu Dhabi courts, the legal system for taking the assistance of experts in comparative systems, managing expert sessions, the legal system for digital crypto currencies in international experiences, the concept of real estate development, its stages, financing and construction; serving notices in the field of judicial expertise, the rules for the validity of notices and aspects of invalidity, the legal system for evaluating an expert’s work and the supervision of the judiciary over an expert’s work, expert’s responsibility for professional errors, legal problems of sole proprietorship, types of commercial companies, and all areas of attracting foreign investment and development drivers, the legal system for combating crimes of money laundering and financing of terrorism, the obligations of legal professionals, and the mechanisms to combat money laundering related to real estate and home financing.