London:– The World Cement Association has announced its 5th annual conference and exhibition, which will take place from 25th – 28th September 2022, in person at the Emirates Towers, Dubai, UAE. 

The World Cement Association (WCA) is a not-for-profit company founded in 2016, with offices in London and Beijing. WCA is the largest independent organisation that works globally on behalf of the cement and clinker industry and its stakeholders.  

As COP27 and COP28 are being held in Egypt and the UAE respectively, the world’s attention will be on the region, particularly as the MENA region is responsible for approximately 7% of total global CO2 emissions, and currently produces around 7% of the world’s cement. It is the largest producing region outside of China and India, underlining the importance of WCA’s annual conference to showcase the potential of the MENA cement sector and its urgent need to embark on the net zero journey.

The WCA’s first conference in the MENA region will focus on practical steps that can be taken today to reduce both carbon footprint and costs.  Through a carefully designed program developed with WCA’s partner for the conference, A³&Co., it will help the elaboration of a common MENA Sectoral Roadmap for the cement industry, in line with the 1.5oC pathway.

The roadmap charts out a practical step by step approach moving from today’s situation, with average emissions per ton cement in region amongst the highest in the world, to 2030 average emissions equal to the EU target of 480Kg/ton. This represents a reduction in CO2 emissions of more than 40% and can be achieved without the need for large investment and uses proven technology. These reductions can be achieved at the same time as reducing costs and making products that customers need to achieve their own green construction targets.

The speakers will cover many pressing issues faced by the cement industry including: the industry response to climate change, impact of high energy costs, energy efficiency, alternative fuels, new technologies, financing and managing human capital. 

“After so long, it will be great to see colleagues from around the world in person. We will discuss how to face up to the major and urgent environmental and economic challenges that the cement sector faces,” said Ian Riley, WCA CEO. “This year’s conference will bring together industry leaders and experts to promote steps that can be taken today to decarbonise and improve profitability at the same time.”

Register using this link: WCA Annual Conference 2022 Registration. Find out more information on the WCA website: World Cement Association. For any questions or need help to register, please email:


About World Cement Association®

The World Cement Association, is a not for profit organisation founded in 2016 and is the largest independent organisation that works globally on behalf of the cement and clinker industry and its stakeholders. With offices in London and Beijing, the majority of WCA members are cement producers, ranging from the world’s largest companies, with capacities of 540mtpa, to some of the smallest, with capacities of 0.5mpta. The Association also represent companies across the wider value chain, including specialist engineering firms, equipment suppliers and technology providers.

WCA provides practical help to their members through sharing of best practices in Member Forums, where cement industry leaders in areas as diverse as plant design, green quarries, machine learning AI, vertically integrated business models and low carbon footprints can disseminate their knowledge and experience.

WCA supports a sustainable cement industry, encouraging technical development and innovation by its members to achieve full decarbonisation, in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the 2015 Paris Agreement.

About A3&Co.®

A3&Co.® offers strategic and technical advisory services for the cement industry. Their advisory portfolio spans across the full value chain of cement manufacturing, incorporating best practices adopted in our A°&Co.® "Business Excellence Model", revolving in a 3-dimensional ecosystem of Operational Excellence, Digital Maturity & Sustainability, throughout the key processes of cement life-cycle; horizontally from Quarry to Dispatch, and vertically through Industrial, Human Capital, Finance, IT, Sales & Marketing functions.