Dubai, UAE: - In an era defined by technological evolution and cyber challenges, Qrator Labs proudly steps forward to be a beacon at GITEX GLOBAL 2023, the paramount technology gathering across the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. This monumental event will unfold from October 16th to 20th at the esteemed Dubai World Trade Centre.

The Middle East IT market is not just burgeoning; it's a beacon of technological promise. Dubai's transformation over the years into a global hub of commerce and its vibrant economy stands testament to this growth. The United Arab Emirates has impressively carved a niche, topping charts as a nation embracing swift IT evolution. The commitment to IT innovations and digitalization across diverse economic sectors is palpably evident, reflecting the UAE's national policy priorities. Given this backdrop, the demand for robust cybersecurity and the availability of Internet resources has intensified like never before.

Against such a dynamic landscape where cyber threats consistently advance, Qrator Labs steadfastly pioneers solutions, arming businesses with robust defenses. At GITEX this year, attendees are in for an exclusive opportunity: firsthand experiences of Qrator Labs' groundbreaking technologies and methodologies, poised to redefine cyber resilience.

Noteworthy Moments from Qrator Labs at GITEX 2023:

Live Demonstrations: A rare chance for an up-close view of the latest cybersecurity innovations by Qrator Labs.

Insightful Discussions: Delve into the intricacies of cybersecurity with industry stalwarts, elucidating the present-day challenges and forward-thinking strategies.

Networking Segments: Engage with the minds behind Qrator Labs, alongside partners and thought leaders, championing a united front against cyber adversities.

Maxim Beloenko, Vice President of Global Sales at Qrator Labs, expressed, "GITEX remains a beacon for technological progress. We're poised to demonstrate the role Qrator Labs plays in sculpting the cybersecurity landscape of tomorrow. The rendezvous at GITEX is more than an exhibition; it's about forging partnerships, exchanging knowledge, and reinforcing the global cybersecurity framework."

Media representatives attending GITEX 2023 are warmly welcomed to visit Qrator Labs at H2-C20-7 for insightful dialogues, interactive technology showcases, and joint ideation sessions.


About Qrator Labs

Qrator Labs is an expert in Continuous Network Availability offering various network security solutions to ensure safe Internet and 365/24/7 DDoS mitigation for businesses worldwide.

Qrator Labs unique anycast architecture provides a reliable geo-distributed, low latency web app protection platform across the globe with filtering bandwidth capacity more than 4 Tbps, and 15 points of presence worldwide.

A full range of Qrator Labs solutions includes: DDoS Protection, Web Application Firewall, CDN (content delivery network), reliable DNS, Bot Protection and Qrator.Radar - a unique global real-time BGP monitoring system.