Dubai: The Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation (PCFC) unveiled its new projects at Gitex Global 2022, which aim to facilitate its services and the clients’ procedures.

PCFC is taking part in the world’s largest tech show under the slogan: “Driving the Economy through Innovation”, with a number of innovative projects including the Marine Craft Smart Inspection Project, the Unified Portal for all PCFC Services (Digital Services) and Marine Wooden Dhows Smart Platform ( NAU)  

Marine Craft Smart Inspection Project

With the help of the Craft Smart Inspection Project, clients now can get their marine crafts inspected and checked online. Inspectors of Dubai Maritime City Authority can check the crafts at their place without the need to bring them to the Authority’s building.

Through virtual communication between the client and the inspector, the main parts of the marine craft are photographed and shared to be checked for compliance with the specifications and standards that guarantee the safety and security of the client when using the craft.

Unified Portal for all PCFC Services (Digital Services)

In April this year, Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation (PCFC) launched its new website (unified portal) with a modern and innovative design that conforms to the highest technical standards and Dubai Government smart transformation policies. The new website will facilitate the access of clients and stakeholders to its services from various smart devices and tablets.

PCFC has simplified the procedures and eliminated duplication of services among its various departments and authorities, by making optimal use of smart technologies and innovative solutions to reduce cost and time. The new website is a very useful portal that unifies services and procedures and brings together various organizational units under a smart and innovative electronic roof;

Marine Wooden Dhows Smart Platform (NAU)

The initiative supports traders, clients and stakeholders through a smart digital integrated system. NAU application is a smart system that links foreign dhow (wooden vessels) owners with traders in the country. Through the system, dhow owners determine the type of goods to be transported, the available space, capacity and prices. The system provides traders in the country with information about the dhows available to go to Dubai and to transport goods to the target destinations.