Dubai:, an award-winning broker and a wholly owned subsidiary of Nasdaq listed company StoneX Group, will partake in the 7th grand edition of Forex Expo Dubai, coming this October 7th and 8th to Dubai World Trade Centre. Playing a major role on UAE’s trading scene, the company projects to attract a large amount of Foreign Direct Investments during the event, directly contributing to the UAE’s economic diversification goals.

Amid global economic challenges, the UAE’s unparalleled security and business-friendly environment have fostered remarkable resilience, setting it apart from other major economies and aligning it with the core targets of its diversified economic model.

Although global central banks are preparing for new monetary policy adjustments, which could result in increased market volatility, the UAE continues to offer investors a secure and stable platform for long-term growth and financial stability, reinforcing its standing as a resilient economic hub.

“The UAE’s strategic location has significantly boosted trade and non-oil GDP, while its record-breaking real estate sector and increased liquidity have cemented the country’s reputation as a haven for investors”, says Razan Hilal, Market Analyst, CMT at She adds: “The strong promotion of global business partnerships and political stability further amplify its attractiveness. The latest projection of 4% growth in non-oil GDP for 2024, fueled by trade (16.1%), manufacturing (14.6%), finance and insurance (13.4%), and real estate (7.1%), underscores the country’s commitment to building a sustainable economy beyond the oil sector.”

As a top destination for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), the UAE keeps on leveraging its favorable business climate to attract global investors, leading to a flourishing forex market, which aligns with the UAE’s economic diversification strategy, reducing its dependency on oil revenues by promoting financial services.

Over the last 15 years, has been offering powerful platforms, quality execution, tight spreads, and more to over 454,000 customers in 21 countries. With over 4,300 staff members globally, the company runs one of the largest trading operations in the UAE, backed by a proven track record of financial strength and stability.

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