The FII Institute, the global non-profit organisation that brings people together to deliver actionable solutions to the world's most pressing challenges is currently taking place in Riyadh. Revealed at the event, the Priority Compass Report, a major global survey of 50,000 people from 23 countries, highlighted the increasing discontent across a range of issues common to communities around the world. These include;  65% of people are distressed about the cost of living and its impact on quality of life, 55% are concerned about social inclusion and 53% are worried about climate change.

Commenting on these findings from Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Phil Malem, CEO of Serco Middle East, who is attending FII, said:

“The FII has put a major spotlight on the collective concerns of society that are common to all, no matter what part of the world you are living in. Tellingly, worries about the cost of living, social inclusion and climate change top the list, playing testament to these uncertain times. The Forum itself has opened up a global dialogue on the role of government and business leaders to come together to discuss concrete actionable solutions, and the transformative potential of AI technology, education, and healthcare in creating a fairer, safer, and more prosperous world where humanity thrives.

“It has also underlined the opportunity the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has to provide a best-in-class example for the world to follow against its Vision 2030 objectives. It is not just the host of this important Forum, but it also has the right tools and backing to really help drive solutions to some of humanities collective concerns.

“Our own research from the Serco Institute echoes the collective support for a transition towards a sustainable economy. For example, 85% of residents agree the move towards a green economy is important for the future of the Kingdom, and over half of Saudi residents (55%) agree that ‘tourism or leisure’ is either the first or second most promising economic sector for development. We can easily see this through support for such projects as the Red Sea. These projects provide a global reference point for how to develop a region sustainably, in a low-carbon manner and with minimal impact on the environment.

“But to help accelerate these projects, both the public and private sector has to work hand in hand to realise their true potential. Combining public sector know-how with the expertise from the private sector will then create a winning formula, and against the backdrop of FII, the doors are wide open for Saudi to lead the way to a green economy.”