With Artificial Intelligence integrating its avant-garde capabilities in almost every sector; it comes as no surprise that it also was in the spotlight at the sixth edition of Forex Expo 2023.  Held recently at the World Trade Center in Dubai, the exhibition witnessed an intriguing mix of global trading and forex companies sharing knowledge on the AI revolution and its positive impact on the new generation of traders.

To share their experience with AI integration in Forex and Trading; Evest, the region’s leading online trading firm hosted a knowledge session, ‘Unleashing the Power of Artificial Intelligence with Evest’ at the summit. The session highlighted AI’s crucial ability to process and analyze huge amounts of data. which further enables chatbots to provide accurate forecasts and an overview of market movements. In a time-sensitive environment that demands quick turnaround and precise decision-making; AI is ably helping traders adjust their trading strategies to balance risks.

Speaking at the event, Ali Hassan, CEO of Evest, said: “AI has revolutionized various industries at unimaginable speed and forex trading is no exception. That’s why at Evest we always strive to keep pace with industry developments and quickly learn to surf the tides. Since Artificial Intelligence is so deeply involved across industries; it can analyze news articles and social media posts to determine emotions and potential events which may affect the market. These insights are proving to be timely tips to traders that help them stay on top of developments.”

Contributing his views on the recent developments in international markets, Ahmed Osama, Chief Analyst at Evest, said: “The US Federal Reserve announced its interest rate decision recently and left the benchmark interest rates at 5.5%, which is quite high. Chairman Jerome Powell mentioned that there would be no reduction in the US interest rate indicating that the tightening policy of the US Federal Reserve continues. This attracted major changes in market movements where the US dollar rose strongly and surpassed the dollar index. The US dollar traded at levels of 106, which negatively impacted gold trading, which is trading around $1,900.”

He further added: “Prevailing trends reveal that the USD will remain strong as compared to other currencies and gold unless some decline appears in the American labor markets. This can hint at a reduction of American interest rates soon. However, the markets expect the recently announced policy to continue which may lead to a rise in the value of gold."

The session also discussed the declining positions of the Euro and Pound Sterling in forex trading. The cessation of the decline in inflation led to a state of weakness, as inflation reached 5.2%. However, experts believe that the markets may see strong rises for the Euro this week as updated news on inflation rates is awaited. Expectations indicate a decline to 4.5%, which may positively improve the Euro’s position in international markets. As for Pound Sterling trading, the members of the Bank of England were divided and the majority wanted to stabilize the interest rate. This decision led to the continued weakening of the Pound Sterling despite the decline in inflation to 6.7%. After expectations indicated that it would rise and exceed the 7% levels again.
