• Working in the private sector is highly competitive, which requires continuous development of skills
  • A strong private sector significantly contributes to supporting and strengthening the national economy
  • We provide a variety of training initiatives and programs for employees in cooperation with the most prestigious international institutions
  • Kuwaiti talent acquisition and development are firm values embedded in our corporate culture
  • NBK boasts an ideal work environment providing exceptional opportunities for career development

As part of the continuing the activities of “Tamakan” program for training Kuwaiti fresh university graduates, the program hosted Mr. Emad Al-Ablani, GM – Group Human Resources at National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) in a noticeably engaging open discussion, during which he highlighted the key milestones in his journey of moving to the private sector and leading the highly sophisticated human resources system of NBK Group.

Al-Ablani shared with the Kuwaiti youth his extensive experience and the main characteristics that established the bank’s position as the leading bank delivering on its commitments related to CSR and recruitment of the youth in the private sector. He also gave them many tips to help them decide their career path and the best ways to develop their personal skills and capabilities to successfully qualify to navigate their way into the labor market and ensuring career progression.

Al-Ablani highlighted the importance of providing a positive work environment conducive to personal and professional growth, stressing that the organization’s culture and values play an important role in creating a positive work environment that nurtures creativity, innovation and teamwork.

Al-Ablani discussed the development methods, mentorship opportunities and career advancement paths including employee wellbeing and support to create work-life balance, which is essential for career growth and long-term success.

Talent acquisition

During his discussion with the youth, Al-Ablani said: “NBK’s DNA is marked by boundless development and growth, and always targets high-caliber talent and professionals who possess the same characteristics and strive to build a successful career through continuous development and doubling efforts. This is very crucial considering the competitive nature of working in the private sector, which requires continuous development of skills to keep pace with the rapid digital advancement.”

Al-Ablani added that a strong private sector significantly contributes to supporting and strengthening the Kuwaiti economy thanks to the diversity of income sources. In this context, NBK, as the largest private sector institution in Kuwait, supports all development initiatives and plans of the Kuwaiti government, mainly the recruitment of skilled national labor and extending all sorts of support to them to build a sustainable career.

Al-Ablani called on the ambitious youth who wish to build a professional career to join the private sector because as it broadens their knowledge and continuously develops their skills and opens up broader professional horizons for them in the future, stressing that NBK is the top private sector employer of Kuwaitis.

Investment in human capital

Speaking on training and development programs, which are an integral part of NBK’s culture and strategy to achieve its goals, Al-Ablani said: “We always provide a variety of training initiatives and programs for employees, in cooperation with the most prestigious international institutions such as IE Business School, Madrid, IE Business School, Madrid is one of the top leading business administration schools in the world. We also engage a select of prominent experts, in order to create added-value for employees, enhance their skills and increase their efficiency, which ultimately translates into better performance and higher service quality to customers.”

“NBK is firmly committed to investing in human capital with the support of the executive management, by acquiring Kuwaiti talent, training and upskilling them, stressing that this is a fundamental strategy embedded at the core of its business, reflecting its unshakable values that have become an integral part of its identity and corporate culture,” he mentioned.

Al-Ablani continued: “In addition, NBK has arranged a number of programs for government entities and fresh university students, like “High Flyers”, and “NBK Academy” programs. These educational initiatives aim to advance the bank’s sustainability endeavors, by focusing efforts to achieve its goals in this regard through various areas, including talent management and gender diversity, development of national talent, engaging employees and providing them with required training programs to develop their skills and help them perform their job duties in an efficient and professional manner.

Training is an endless process

Al-Ablani explained that NBK training programs do not end at a certain level and are not limited to a specific stage in the career, stressing that all employees in the bank receive training programs to develop their skills, starting from new recruits to leaders, and from day one in the job and continuing throughout their career with the bank. After an employee is promoted and transferred from one job level to another, they receive specific training programs commensurate with the skills required for the new job and qualifying him for the next level until they reaches the highest leadership roles in the bank.

“At NBK, promotion is based on skills and competence, and that requires doubling the efforts to develop personal skills as well as the skills for communicating and dealing with the team to be qualified to take responsibility and become successful leaders having the skills that help them perform their job duties,” he noted.

“NBK boasts an ideal and unique work environment by providing exceptional opportunities for continuous career development through training programs delivered to its employees as well as fresh graduates, which guarantees a sustainable and independent career for them,” he added.

Job interviews

Answering a question by one of the participants about job interviews, Al-Ablani said: “The institution that conducts a job interview for any employee seeks to explore the special skills of the personality through some of the questions asked and evaluate the answers, reactions and the response. In job interviews, the best answers are the honest ones, even if they don’t serve the job you are applying for, don’t try to embellish the answer or provide incorrect information as this could backfire.”

He advised the youth not to be afraid of job interviews, especially those who do not have experience in such situations, and highlighted the need to be responsive with the interviewer and not give only brief responses to the questions asked.

Al-Ablani also urged interviewers to avoid embarrassing the applicants with personal questions like those related to social and political sides, and to simplify the interview and not touch on complicated topics to display the interviewer’s expertise.

On another question about how to create a CV when applying for a job, Al-Ablani explained: “Do not try to create a CV including only the information relevant to the job you are applying for, but rather make it show your personality and skills.”

“Search for the job you would like to do, regardless of the entry salary and position. By doing the job you love, you will develop quickly, be creative in executing your tasks, and innovative in introducing new solutions to develop the work process. You will also have a lasting passion for the job, and will certainly reap the fruits of this development one day by getting the promotions you deserve,” he advised them.

Important tips for a successful career

Al-Ablani provided some important tips to the Kuwaiti fresh graduates that are crucial for building a successful career:

  • Working in a job that you love gives you a lasting passion for development.
  • Don’t go after early promotions and work on enhancing your skills.
  • You will reap the fruits of the efforts you make when you are young by getting the promotions you deserve.
  • Never stop learning and developing after promotions.
  • A successful leader is the one who can take responsibility, absorb and develop the team members.
