Dubai: In legacy of 17 years AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics is always fulfilling the purpose of continuation. In its services one of the components is to create a platform for networking of Islamic finance industry think-tank, 4th Global Takaful and Re-Takaful forum on 24th of August 2022 is an example of the acknowledgement. This event is followed by a two days post event workshop on Takaful and Islamic Microfinance. This event is organized with the support of StowRich Group, BSV Blockchain, InvoiceMate, Finmaal, Bangladesh Insurance Association, National Insurance Authority Somaliland and MicroLab. The main objective of this networking is exploring new ventures, challenges and opportunities as per the industry experts and how Takaful is a solution for the financially sustainable world.
The guest of honor H.E. Zaake Wanume Kibedi, Ambassador of The Republic of Uganda - UAE, said that Uganda Parliament passed legislation for Islamic finance and our Insurance regulator is working deliberately for the development of Takaful industry development, Mr. Evgeny Lazarev, General Consul, Republic of Belarus – UAE, spoke about AlHuda CIBE services and announced all kind of support in home town to work for Islamic Finance, Mr. Sardar Umar, Chairman, StowRich Group, UAE, appreciate that how AlHuda CIBE is supporting their activities through Shariah perspective and Mr. A K M Monirul Hoque, Vice President, Bangladesh Insurance Association and Chairman, NITOL Insurance Company Limited, Bangladesh, admired the work of AlHuda and invite for the collaboration for the development of Islamic Insurance in Bangladesh.
On this occasion Mr. Muhammad Zubair Mughal, Chief Executive Officer of AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics said that he is working with the team of experts around the globe, till now AlHuda CIBE set-up 17+ takaful companies and window operations. He is passionate and dedicated about the development of Islamic finance. As per the previous experience he also said Islamic Insurance (takaful) is a more attractive source for the customers and increasing insurance inclusion.
The distinguished speakers were from Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, United Arab Emirates, Somaliland, Iran, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. The discussion was focused about fundamentals and present practices, new frontier, portfolio, product innovation, Shariah governance framework and future prospects of Takaful Industry. The participants were from Uzbekistan, Pakistan, UAE, Nepal, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Iran. These were the CEOs, Directors and Executive Management of different insurance and takaful companies.
About AlHuda CIBE
AlHuda Center of Islamic Banking and Economics (CIBE) is a well-recognized name in Islamic banking and finance industry for research and provides state-of-the-art Advisory Consultancy and Education through various well-recognized modes viz. Islamic Financial Product Development, Shariah Advisory, Training Workshops, and Islamic Microfinance and Takaful Consultancies etc. side by side through our distinguished, generally acceptable and known Publications in Islamic Banking and Finance.
We are dedicated to serving the community as a unique institution, advisory and capacity building for the last twelve years. The prime goal has always been to remain stick to the commitments providing Services not only in UAE/Pakistan but all over the world. We have so far served in more than 35 Countries for the development of Islamic Banking and Finance industry. For further Details about AlHuda CIBE, please visit:
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