30 January 2017

Dubai, United Arab Emirates - This year, Dubai Health Authority’s Dental Services department will begin using 3D printed technology to print 3D model of teeth for producing prosthesis, said a top health official at the Arab Health Congress 2017, which began today.

The use of this technology is the beginning of the Authority’s ambitious plans to use 3D printing in all fields of healthcare.

Dubai has already seen the inauguration of the world’s first 3D-printed office building — the “Office of the Future” which is near Emirates Tower and was built in just 17 days. The government aims to make Dubai and the UAE a global hub for 3D printing technology by the year 2030. Research is already taking place into the mass production of hearing aids prosthetics and implants.  Globally, scientists are working on the realistic goal of printing a real, working human heart.

His Excellency Humaid Al Qatami, Chairman of the Board and Director-General of the DHA, said: “The DHA spares no effort in incorporating the latest technology to better patient outcomes. 3D technology allows doctors to better plan their surgery or procedure and use minimally invasive procedures. Using 3D technology for surgeries and other medical purposes is the future and we are currently working on developing regulations for 3D printing for patients and the medical sector in Dubai. We are also looking at training doctors and healthcare professionals on the use of this technology.”

Dr Mohammed Al Redha, Director of the Office of Organizational Transformation at the DHA said, “3D printing is the future and we want to stretch our imaginations to the maximum extent possible. It’s a very exciting time for the world of 3D printing, scientists are now looking at ways to incorporate bio ink (stem cells) to print 3D organs. At the DHA, we are keen to be part of the innovation and research process as well as understand ways in which we can bring and regulate the use of this technology in Dubai to benefit our population and medical tourists.”

In the first phase, this year, the Dental Services Department at the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) will begin implementation of 3D Technology

Dr Hamda Mesmar, Director of Dental Services Department at the DHA, said: “Using this technology, a dentist will simply scan the teeth using an intra-oral scanner, which will create a digital impression (image).This image is then sent across to the 3D printing machine through the intranet from different Dental Clinics within DHA, which then replicates the image as a 3D model.  The 3D image helps us with accurate planning and precision especially for complicated dental procedures and surgeries. Patients will greatly benefit from the use of this technology as it helps in better patient outcomes as well as substantially reduces waiting time and cost of care. The department has received several intra-oral scanners, which will be used at the various dental clinics in the Primary Health Care Centers.

She added that in comparison, the conventional method involves the dentist taking an impression of the mouth using various materials. Then, the impression is poured in stone to produce a model. The conventional method is a longer process. Creating a single model using a conventional method takes approximately, 40 minutes (not including the stone setting time, which will total to 1.5 hours) and the accuracy cannot be compared with that of a 3D model. (See table below)

Other major advantages of the 3D technology in dentistry as compared to the conventional include accuracy and a better infection control approach on taking a dental impression. Also, the image can be recalled anytime for “reprinting” if needed and thus minimizing resources and time”


3D Technology

1.5 Hours to make only  one case

1 Cycle takes 6-8 Hours

1 Cycle makes 18 cases

Requires significant dental technician time for process to fabricate one case

Only takes 30 minutes of Dental technician time

Use of 3D printing in healthcare:
3D models are being use for several medical purposes such as for casts and to create a model of any anatomy for use in pre-operative planning and education. Some of the models created have been children’s hearts for congenital heart disease cases, neuroblastomas and endometria’s. This year Medativ also created a patella implant for a dog suffering from avascular necrosis. 

© Press Release 2017