08 February 2016
Professional networking website offers thought-leaders a global platform to share experiences & knowledge & engage with communities

Doha - Qatar - LinkedIn (NYSE:LNKD), the world's largest professional network on the Internet, has welcomed Dr. Hessa Al Jaber, former Qatar Minister of Information and Communication Technology, onto the platform as an 'Influencer', a by-invitation honour extended to only around 500 people around the world.

Dr. Hessa has built a reputation as a regional public personality who is very closely associated with the technology sector, social media, and a visionary in the impact and potential of these on Arab society. Recognised as a leading technology Influencer in the region, she currently holds prestigious posts such as the United Nations ITU Broadband Commissioner for Digital Development, among others.

Dr Hessa's first LinkedIn Influencer blog post, Why My Daughter's Generation is Facing Challenges Mine Didn't,   has had more than 18,000* views and more than 1,200* Likes.

Ali Matar, Head of LinkedIn Talent Solutions, MENA, said: "LinkedIn's Influencer programme has been growing in stature as one of the most exclusive, invitation-only collection of thinkers, doers, and leaders. Dr. Hessa Al Jaber is a natural fit in this group, given her significant contribution to ICT in Qatar and beyond. We welcome her on-board LinkedIn as an Influencer and look forward to an engaging and enriching experience learning from her."

While all LinkedIn members are able to publish blog posts on the platform, a LinkedIn Influencer is invited based on proven leadership in industries and geographies. Through its team of professional editors, LinkedIn also works with Influencers to develop content and topics that would best resonate with the Influencers' audiences and spark meaningful professional conversations.


* Number of views as visible on LinkedIn at the time of issuing this press release.


●        LinkedIn announced the Arabic version of the site in February 2015, giving the world's 300 million Arabic speakers easier access to the world's largest professional network.

●        LinkedIn's updated mobile app, launched in December 2015, now features Arabic as a language option, and can be downloaded here (Android)(iOS)

About LinkedIn
LinkedIn connects the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful and transforms the ways companies hire, market and sell. Our vision is to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce through the ongoing development of the world's first Economic Graph. LinkedIn has more than 400 million members and has offices around the world.

For further information, please contact:
Anit Kurian / Khalid Yahya
ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller
Dubai - UAE
+971 4 450 7600
anit.kurian@bm.com / khalid.yahya@bm.com

For further correspondence regarding Dr Hessa, please contact
Mark Jenkins

© Press Release 2016