• Public and private sector stakeholders gather to drive the circularity of the transport sector through dialogue and collaboration

Abu Dhabi, UAE: The UAE Independent Climate Change Accelerators (UICCA), an Abu Dhabi-based think tank and accelerator supporting the nation’s transition to a green economy, hosted its first Policy Hack to create an enabling environment for electric mobility in the UAE. Held in partnership with Peec Mobility, a UAE-grown start-up that supports the petrol-to-electric transition of vehicles, this is the first in an ongoing series that will be hosted by UICCA.

Stakeholders from across the industry were invited to participate in the policy hack, including public sector representatives including H.E. Essa Abdulrahman Al Hashmi Assistant Undersecretary, Sustainable Communities Sector, Acting Assistant Undersecretary, Green Development & Climate Change Sector, Ministry of Climate Change and Environment. Attendees also included delegates from the Ministry of Economy, the Abu Dhabi Department of Municipalities and Transport, the Integrated Transport Centre – Abu Dhabi, National Taxi Dubai, Sharjah Road Transport Authority and Sharjah Asset Management. The private sector was also represented by key players, such as Careem, Nomad Capital, Howden Insurance, Lloyds Bank, and the EST Lab Energy Center from the University Politecnico di Torino.

Her Highness Sheikha Shamma bint Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan, President & CEO of UICCA, in her opening remarks said: “The UICCA is on track to becoming the driving force that is supporting start-ups as they scale their businesses. By facilitating connections with potential partners, creating access to suitable funding mechanisms or advocating for policy change, we believe it is vital to work hand in hand with the innovations we are accelerating. My hope is that this Policy Hack will pave the way for open dialogue and the sharing of ideas with clear and considered outcomes that can help us build a roadmap that will allow businesses, such as Peec Mobility, to thrive.”

The Policy Hack provided a platform for industry participants to discuss and explore ideas on how to approach the repurposing of existing petrol vehicles as an effective and sustainable alternative to purchasing brand new electric vehicles.

Zach Faizal, Founder of Peec Mobility, added: “Our partnership with the UICCA is a testament to UAE’s vision of being a global leader in sustainability. It was my honour and great privilege for Peec Mobility to have been selected as the first start up to begin the policy hack series chaired by Her Highness Sheikha Shamma bint Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan, President & CEO of UICCA. We are truly very grateful for this opportunity and we trust that this partnership will have a positive impact on the UAE’s sustainability goals,”

Peec Mobility presented the financial, environmental and opportunity cost benefits of petrol-to-electric transition technology, while discussions amongst participants during the Policy Hack identified:

  • limitations relating to existing licensing and regulation frameworks on petrol-to-electric vehicle conversions 
  • the risks considerations for insurance providers when looking to insure petrol-to-electric converted vehicles
  • the need to upskill the workforce to maintain electric vehicles
  • interest for more petrol-electric conversion of vehicles beyond use in public transportation

“We are at a point in time where every decision we take on the technologies we seek to implement and policies we look to change will dictate the very livelihood of the future generations. In only 7 years, we will all be accountable for these decisions so let’s make sure to take proper action now. Practical and immediate solutions are the only way forward,” continued Faizal.

Earlier this year, the UAE government announced its Net Zero 2050 Charter which supports the country’s Net Zero 2050 Pathway. This includes the transport sector as a key focus area with the adoption of electric vehicles. In line with this, the Dubai Road Transport Authority has also endorsed a plan to transform taxis in Dubai into becoming fully environmentally friendly (hybrid, electric and hydrogen-powered) by 2027. In 2022, the UAE ranked 8th globally on electric mobility readiness in a report by Arthur D. Little.


About UAE Independent Climate Change Accelerators (UICCA): 

The UICCA is an independent climate change entity bringing together the private sector, government entities, academia and NGOs/IOs. The entity provides non-partisan advice and suggested actions to stakeholders to drive net zero by 2050 in the UAE. This includes advice and recommendations on positive climate actions to reduce the climate-related risk for the UAE before, during, and after COP28.

The UICCA aims to accelerate the transition to a green economy that will be necessary to deliver on the net zero and climate agenda in line with the UAE’s commitments. This will enable the nation to benefit from the global momentum around climate action and will inform policies to enable its transition to a green economy.

The UICCA is registered as a Non-Governmental Organisation at the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM).

For further information and to stay up to date on upcoming news announcements, please visit: www.uicca.ae

About Peec Mobility:

Peec Mobility is a start-up born and raised in the UAE which is radically changing the perception of what a green transition should entail in the mobility sector, with 35 employees and four million dollars already invested in research and development in just two years.

We produce electric vehicles by repurposing existing chassis, redefining the concept of scrapyards and closing the circular economy. At Peec, we plan, design and deliver the petrol-to-electric transition envisioning a way to save petrol- running vehicles — and turn them into brand new next-generation assets.

As international agreements set stringent objectives on carbon emissions, Peec looks at electric mobility with a different, creative approach: today, repurposing is quicker, smoother and greener than buying new EVs, and proves cost-efficient.

What we make is more than visionary — it’s feasible. Waste is minimized. A new life cycle begins.

We strongly believe that the upcoming COP28 in Dubai will represent a global showcase for the UAE in terms of massive engagement and strategic contribution to the energy transition. Presenting ourselves to the world as pioneers and as the only project of its kind will catalyse attention to the real imminent problem which is the urgent implementation of immediate and tangible actions.

Our plan is to set up the world’s first and largest commercial EV repurpose hub here in the United Arab Emirates. Peec Mobility is a lateral thinker and accelerator. The company of the now, a game changer with a pragmatic solution. In fact, the most powerful way to spark change is actually before our eyes — in the vehicles we already use.

Manal Shaikh
Communications Advisor
UAE Independent Climate Change Accelerators
E-mail: manal@uicca.ae