Cairo:  Söderhub - a Stockholm-based recruitment and talent acquisition company - has officially launched in Egypt in an event that took place at the Swedish embassy in Cairo. Söderhub aims to create 1,000 jobs in Egypt over the next 3 years by recruiting the best Egyptian talent in the technology field to work with corporations in the Nordic market. Söderhub was founded by serial entrepreneur Magdy Shehata and venture investor Aurore Belfrage and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden and with tech hubs in Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt.

The company builds remote tech teams by connecting Egyptian tech talent with corporations in the Nordics either by directly recruiting the talent or by developing training programs to sharpen their skills. Söderhub is founded on the opportunity to match teams and talent in Egypt with the Nordic technological growth ambitions.

“I am thrilled to launch Söderhub in Egypt. Every year 50,000 Egyptians graduate with ICT degrees (almost 40% are women). Meanwhile, according to the Swedish IT&Telecom Industries association, there will be a shortage of 70,000 tech professionals in Sweden by 2024 if no measures are taken. This is where we see a good opportunity to bridge the gap and provide Egyptian graduates with job opportunities, join dynamic and international team and gain global know-how”, Magdy Shehata, founder and CEO of Söderhub, said.

“We aim to create 1,000 jobs in the technology field in Egypt over the next 3 years. And since our customers are in the Nordics, we will be bringing foreign currency to Egypt and therefore, supporting the national economy”, he added. “Innovation and technology are the foundation of achieving our sustainable development goals and talent is at its core”.

”We founded the company on the premise of solving a problem that we often face in the tech scene in Sweden. Finding the right talent is time-consuming, and expensive and slows down the growth of a lot of companies. We believe that teams, colleagues and talent are borderless as we strive to connect both markets and provide the Egyptian youth with unique opportunities to work with global clients”, Aurore Belfrage, Co-founder and Chairwoman of Söderhub, said.

H.E. Ambassador of Sweden to Egypt, Håkan Emsgård,  was enthusiastic about the company launch and said “I welcome the opening of Soderhub in Egypt and the immense potential that it creates for strengthening bilateral cooperation between the two countries and regions as a whole“.

Amr Mahfouz, CEO of ITIDA also attended the event as ITIDA has expressed interest in collaborating with the company to support them in exporting tech talent. This is also in line with Egypt’s vision 2030 and the government’s effort to attract international companies to come set up in Egypt and export talent abroad remotely making it a great source of income for individuals and a great source of foreign currency for the country.


About Söderhub

Söderhub builds remote tech teams by connecting Nordic businesses with the diverse Egyptian tech talent pool. The company was founded by serial entrepreneurs Magdy Shehata and Aurore Belfrage and has headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden and tech hubs in Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt.

About Magdy Shehata

Magdy Shehata is an active angel investor, a mentor and a serial entrepreneur. His latest venture is Söderhub, a company that connects Nordic businesses with the tech talent in Egypt through remote teams. Magdy is also the CEO and Co-founder of FunRock, a Swedish mobile gaming company, and the Vice President and Co-founder of Fragbite Group, a publicly-traded company since 2021 with a focus on M&A in gaming and e-sports.

Magdy is an active angel investor and a mentor to several startups in Europe and the MENA region, and he is a member of the Swedish Institute Network for Future Global Leaders (NFGL) and Alexandria Angels Network.

He is a Ph.D. candidate in Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. He holds a MSc degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management from the KTH and a BSc degree in Computer Engineering from Pharos University.

About Aurore Belfrage

Aurore Belfrage is a technology investor, geopolitical advisor and sustainability strategist. She is the founding partner of BCB Ventures and a co-founder of green tech think-tank SusTechable. In 2011, she co-founded the global fintech startup Wrapp with Skype founder Niklas Zennström and Linkedin founder Reid Hoffman as early investors.

Aurore also operates as senior advisor for the Swedish National Center for Artificial Intelligence, the city of Helsingborg and Consilio International, a geopolitical risk strategic advisory firm. She holds various board positions and was part of the Swedish government's steering committee for the Swedish contribution to Expo2020 in Dubai.

Aurore was Head of Early Stage at leading European VC EQT Ventures (which she still advises), while also working as a leading columnist for Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet covering tech, government policy and international relations.