Dubai, United Arab Emirates: 1115 Inc. a business and tech advisory firm is proud to announce the launch of its latest venture ‘Rejoin’ - a revolutionary platform dedicated to empowering individuals especially women to re-enter the workforce after career breaks. Rejoin is more than just a job board, it is designed as a thriving community and support system working to dismantle the outdated perception of career breaks in the Middle East while helping professionals utilize the skills acquired during gap years for career success.

The launch on Mother’s Day signifies the importance of celebrating women with more than just free F&B options and discounts but giving them the choice to thrive via flexibility. Women want to be taken seriously both at work and at home as they work towards financial success. 

Rejoin recognizes that returning to work after a career break is often fraught with challenges and uncertainties. From childcare concerns to outdated skills perceptions, individuals often face a daunting uphill battle. Rejoin breaks down these barriers by providing a platform where professionals can showcase their skills and experience, highlighting the unique value they bring to the table. 

Rejoin also enables employers and SME business owners to find hidden gems by gaining access to a diverse pool of talented individuals, revitalized and eager to contribute all the while building a supportive community that provides guidance, resources, and encouragement.

Ayshwarya Chari, Co-founder of Rejoin, said, “Rejoin isn't just about finding a job after a break, it's about reigniting your passion and reimagining your career potential. We believe these breaks offer valuable experiences and skills that shouldn't be overlooked. This platform is about tapping into those newfound skills and putting them to use where they are welcome.”

On the launch of the venture, Co-founder of Rejoin, Shraddha Barot Amariei, said, “Traditionally, career breaks have been seen as a hindrance. Rejoin is here to challenge that perception. We're building a community where professionals can connect, share, and gain support as they re-enter the workforce. This is a movement for change, not just for individuals, but for companies who recognise the untapped talent and diverse perspectives returning professionals bring. Rejoin is founded by 2 working mothers who realized there are many other women like us looking for flexible working options."

With Rejoin, career breaks become springboards for personal and professional growth, empowering individuals to reclaim their rightful place in the workforce be it breaks taken due to childbirth, injury or education causes could be any but everyone has the right to feel empowered and good about joining work again. Rejoin is a movement to change outdated perceptions while fostering community and unlocking a hidden talent pool, creating a win-win for individuals and businesses seeking unique perspectives and diverse skill sets. Employers can avail the free introductory offer for the month of March and April. Candidates looking for jobs can register and upload their resumes for free and choose working options that fit their current lifestyle from hourly,  part-time to full time , remote or hybrid. 

Visit  today to learn more and join the movement.

About 1115Inc-

1115inc, is a tech and business advisory founded by 2 seasoned entrepreneurs who have collectively launched over 12 businesses in the region and bring over 25 years of combined experience in business, marketing, technology and operations to their clients. 

1115inc’s mission is to save entrepreneurs time and resources and saving them from making the same mistakes that the founders made when they were first time entrepreneurs.

Acting as outsourced Heads of Business, Technology and Marketing; 1115inc is a completely unbiased advisory and tailors their process to the business needs and believes in appointing the right vendors and partners as per the client’s budget, vision, team structure and business goals.

1115inc’s commitment is to deliver a lean, resilient and scalable business ready to take on the world. Capabilities include everything a business might require from Branding & Market Research to Project Management, Web and App Development, Marketing and Go to Market Strategy and more. 

Founded by 2 working mothers, the founders are proud to have changed perceptions in large family offices and corporate client set ups about mums who work. 

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@sbamariei @ashchari