Tkachuk and Dr Sandjar Muminov
Dubai: Sandjar Group (Intellectual Property Protecion Group) led by Dr. Sandjar Muminov registered the first intellectual property certificate to legally protect and secure the copyright of unique NFT artwork. The first real protected NFT («CryptoSpectrum») belongs to digital artist Vladislav Tkachuk, co-founder of the art group Synticate. The copyright certificate for Composite Copyright Work, is recognized internationally by 181 countries worldwide and verifies the investment valuation of $317K.
«СryptoSpectrum» is now copyrighted by its name, visual component, and blockchain IP code. As the rightsholder of this NFT, Synticate can receive bank loans (using NFT as a collateral asset), record NFT in corporate balance sheets as an intangible asset increasing capitalization, can rent, lease, or even benefit from franchising. Synticate can ban and, more importantly, enforce this ban on any unauthorized copying of NFT on the web and the real market, remove fake replicas of protected NFT and enjoy all other forms of legal protection
NFT ledgers claim to provide a public certificate of authenticity or proof of ownership, but the legal rights conveyed by an NFT are uncertain and often allow the sharing and copying of digital files. In the real economy an artist, who is protected by copyright, in case of violation can claim his intellectual rights to all official bodies like police, prosecution, courts, cybercrime, and can be supported physically in distinguish to web-links for smart contracts or blockchain codes.
Dr. Sandjar Muminov, comments: “First IP rights registration for NFT concluded fearless public disputes. Synticate’s NFT is initiated to become a part of the real economy. It is legally protectable, enforceable and material for the global market.”
“Current precedent will go down in history as the first-ever method to evaluate NFT virtual digital art in a form of real and material art objects. The recognition of the NFT artworks by legal international authorities will protect artists from losing their authorships and will claim crypto market to be more legal and trustworthy” – Vladislav Tkachuk.
Notes: NFT – is a non-fungible token (a non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain), that can be sold and traded. Types of NFT include digital files such as photos, videos, audio and other digital art forms.
About Sandjar Group
Sandjar Group – an international group of companies in IP and investor rights assessment, protection, and evaluation since 2016.
Dr. Sandjar Muminov (head of Sandjar Group) has 25 year experience in IP-Industry and was recognized World TOP-5 Intellectual Property Experts of the world.
About Vladislav Tkachuk
Vladislav Tkachuk – Creative director, visual artist, co-founder of the Synticate (Art group, driven by Vladislav Tkachuk and Roman Tsukanov. Inspired by synthesis as the basis of life, the art group creates futuristic and unique synthetic life forms for the Metaverses, at the edge of nature and technology).
About NFT «СryptoSpectrum»
NFT «СryptoSpectrum» is a biomorphic dynamical model of relationships between artists and collectors on NFT-platform. NFT-spirals, as alive entities consist of basic blocks – pixels, elementary forms of digital matter. Here they are objects of art on the platform. Each pixel has its own color and together their sequence construct a spectrum, alters, and reflects changes in the Сryptomarket. (Cyberorganics collection; 1080 x 1920 px ; Created in April, 2021)
Contact: Mr. Denis Pylev
Contact: Mr. Vladislav Tkachuk