Altimimi: Organizing such awareness activities helps foster a fraud-resilient environment

As part of its ongoing efforts to promote the “Let’s Be Aware” banking awareness campaign launched by the Central Bank of Kuwait, in collaboration with Kuwait Banking Association (KBA), and in furtherance to its endeavors to increase fraud awareness and protection methods, National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) held a session for the participants in the ‘NBK Aspire’ Summer Internship Program for 2024 in which it highlighted the importance of safeguarding oneself against fraud, with a particular focus on social media.

The interns delved into the various measures implemented by banks to ensure the protection of their customers and their sensitive personal information from fraudulent activities. The discourse underscored the significance of being vigilant and proactive in mitigating the threats posed by fraud, especially in the digital age where cybercrimes are prevalent.

An integral part of the conversation revolved around the risks associated with sharing OTP and the potential consequences of such actions, noting that maintaining the confidentiality of OTP and not sharing it with anyone is the best way to keep bank accounts information secure.

Commenting on this, Adnan Altimimi, Digital Communications Officer at National Bank of Kuwait said, “The session was highly engaging for the interns of ‘NBK Aspire’ program targeting students between the age of 14 and 18 years. It served as a platform for them to gain a deeper understanding of the strategies and best practices for enhancing their security posture and fortifying their defenses against fraudulent schemes.”

“By organizing such awareness activities, we help foster a fraud-resilient environment. NBK uses all its digital channels to highlight different fraud types. It also warns customers against all fraud schemes via SMS, e-mail or phone calls by sharing social media communications to warn customers against clicking unverified ads like those promising high gains, enticing individuals to register their personal information on fake trading platforms or accounts promising financial aids,” he explained.

It is worth mentioning that NBK frequently warns its followers against all types of fraud by posting text communications and video clips as well as reposting CBK’s communications related to the “Let’s Be Aware” campaign, as part of its efforts to promote fraud protection among all sectors of society.