• NBK warns customers not to be tempted by enticing offers and low prices for chalet rentals advertised on social media.
  • The bank maintains its commitment to offering advice and guidance through its most widely followed digital channels in Kuwait.
  • Scammers use AI techniques to send bank payment links from outside Kuwait, making them appear as if they come from local numbers. 

National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) remains steadfast in its support of the "Let's Be Aware" campaign, an initiative launched by the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) in collaboration with Kuwaiti banks and Kuwait Banking Association (KBA). This campaign aims to foster banking culture within the community and improve financial literacy.

The bank is ramping up its efforts to spread educational materials and awareness content through various communication platforms and through its extensive digital channels. This includes sharing videos, text messages, and practical tips. Additionally, NBK is republishing Central Bank of Kuwait’s messages to enhance awareness across all segments of society, educating them about different fraud methods and effective prevention strategies.

Through this campaign, NBK highlights the deceptive tactics used by fraudsters to access customer data or steal money through fake reservations for hotel apartments or chalets. Unscrupulous companies often lure customers by showcasing videos of luxurious chalets with stunning sea views on social media at unrealistically low prices. They require a substantial advance payment to secure the reservation, only for customers to discover later that the reservation was made through a fictitious company or for a completely different property than what was advertised.

NBK warns against engaging with unreliable companies and websites for booking hotels and chalets. The bank emphasizes the importance of verifying the credibility of any company, site, or broker involved in the rental process. Customers are advised to inspect the property directly before finalizing the reservation and making any payments to avoid falling victim to fraud.

The bank urges caution before clicking on payment links, as fraudsters often send bank links from outside the country using numbers that appear local, employing advanced artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to deceive victims.

NBK plays a crucial role in educating diverse segments of society about financial literacy and maximizing the use of its services. The bank utilizes its extensive network of branches and its highly engaged online channels to lead in educating and informing customers, setting a benchmark among Kuwaiti banks.

NBK's commitment to customer education is a cornerstone of its strategy. The bank emphasizes the importance of adhering to general security guidelines to prevent electronic fraud, including regularly updating passwords and not sharing them with anyone claiming to be from the bank.

The "Let's Be Aware" campaign stands as the region's largest initiative dedicated to elevating banking and financial literacy among customers. It tackles crucial topics such as preventing fraud, understanding high-risk investments, optimizing the use of banking services, and fostering a culture of savings and investment.  

NBK is a key supporter and partner in all Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) campaigns and initiatives focused on enhancing financial awareness and banking education across society. As the largest financial institution in Kuwait and the region, NBK actively organizes a range of events aimed at educating the community on vital banking issues and offers numerous training courses to its employees to strengthen their expertise in fraud prevention and combating financial crimes.