In the presence of His Excellency the Minister of Finance, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Center for Privatization & PPP (NCP) and the Global CEO of Credit Agricole CIB, NCP today signed a Cooperation Agreement with Credit Agricole CIB. The Agreement aims to facilitate and enhance cooperation between NCP and Credit Agricole, including exchange of knowledge and expertise, with a view to enhance the investment environment in sectors targeted for privatization and Public-Private Partnership (P&PPP).  The Agreement was signed by the NCP Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mohannad Basodan and the CEO of Credit Agricole CIB, Mohammed Naeem Khan.

This agreement complements similar agreements that NCP has signed with local Saudi banks, by allowing NCP to benefit from both local and international financial expertise in developing and implementing P&PPP projects.  The anticipated co-operation may encompass market soundings, advising on financial structuring and related issues, and organizing local and international events targeting potential investors.


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