Muscat Stock Exchange agreement signing with Al Ramz Corporation Investment and Development PJSC Ubhar Capital SAOC
UAE: Muscat Stock Exchange (“MSX”) is teaming up with the UAE based Al Ramz Corporation Investment and Development PJSC (“Al Ramz”) and the Oman based Ubhar Capital SAOC (“U Capital”) to formulate capital markets initiatives in the Sultanate of Oman.
MSX, Al Ramz Corporation and U Capital will devise plans aimed at improving the participation of Oman’s capital markets, propelling economic development in line with Oman Vision 2040. MSX aims to promote public offerings, diversify capital markets solutions, encourage investment, and facilitate it to investors in order to accomplish market upgrade and prompt the return of capital markets to the center stage of economic development in the Sultanate.
Haitham Salim Al Salmi CEO MSX, commented on this mandate saying, “MSX is keen on strengthening Oman’s national economy and reach a consolidated target which is consistent with Oman Vision 2040. This mandate will help achieve economic objectives, enhance the stock exchange’s strategic plan to expand market depth, promote its role in raising capital and create a benign investing environment that will promote public offerings and induce domestic as well as foreign investment flows.”
Al Salmi added: “Appointing Al Ramz Corporation and U Capital will accomplish a crucial milestone in developing Oman’s capital market as well as facilitate meaningful improvement in values traded on the exchange and amplify pricing metrics for its constituents. The end goal is to achieve a vibrant investing landscape and a platform for incubation opportunities.
Dhafer Sahmi Al Ahbabi Chairman Al Ramz also commented, “We are thrilled to have been awarded the distinguished opportunity to participate in Oman’s pursuit of its Vision 2040. Al Ramz will draw on its extensive capital markets expertise and leverage our industry-leading financial solutions. We place immense importance in this opportunity and look forward to delivering tangible and impactful outcomes.”
Sheikh Abdulaziz Khalifa Al Saadi CEO U Capital also commented, “We are honored to be a part of this mandate which aims to develop our capital market in line with Oman’s vision 2040. The MSX initiative is set to mobilize public and private actors in the pursuit of Oman’s economic development. U Capital is fully committed to this opportunity to make tangible contributions to our capital markets, by utilizing its existing talent pool and experience through market cycles.”
MSX plans to promote confidence in capital markets by raising the level of governance and transparency in financial markets and enhancing data availability. It also plans to develop the regulatory environment to ensure investors protection and enhance overall attractiveness and competitiveness.
About MSX
The Muscat Securities Market (MSM) was established by the Royal Decree (53/88) issued on 21 June 1988 to regulate and control the Omani securities market and to participate, effectively, with other organizations for setting up the infrastructure of the Sultanate’s financial sector.
According to the Royal Decree (5/2021) the Muscat Securities Market was converted convert into a closed Omani joint-stock company under the name “Muscat Stock Exchange Company”. Muscat Stock Exchange provides a comprehensive range of products and services and works to encourage savings, develop investment awareness, and protect investors. It also works to create ways to invest money in securities for the joint benefit of the national economy and investors. Muscat Stock Exchange seeks to become a leading stock exchange with a global presence, as well It aims to provide an efficient investment environment that operates according to the best standards and practices with prospects of diverse opportunities integrated with the national economy trends.
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About Al Ramz
Founded in 1998, Al Ramz is a UAE domiciled public joint stock company listed on Dubai Financial Market and regulated by the UAE Securities and Commodities Authority and the Dubai Financial Services Authority.
For more information Please contact: Investor Relations |Email: | Website:
About U Capital
Ubhar Capital SAOC (‘U Capital’) is a premier Investment Firm regulated by the Capital Market Authority of Oman.
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