• Sci-Tech Virtual Tours are part of MoIAT’s efforts to promote collaboration with global counterparts and facilitate engagements with experts and investors around the world

Abu Dhabi:– The UAE’s Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT) in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFAIC), UAE Embassy in London, UAE-UK Business Council, and the British Embassy in the UAE, hosted a Sci-Tech Virtual Tour of the UAE’s science and technology ecosystem for UK-based academics, experts and companies including University of Manchester’s National Graphene Institute, Cranfield University, Octopus Energy, among others.

With a focus on sustainable industrial development and renewable energy, the tour introduced UK-based stakeholders to the UAE’s efforts to promote the adoption and development of technology in priority sectors in the UAE, to enhance productivity, competitiveness, efficiency, and sustainability.

The UAE Sci-Tech Virtual Tours were launched in 2021 to highlight the UAE’s science and technology ecosystem and its offerings to its key international partners. Additionally, the tour was launched to showcase the science and technology capabilities, to facilitate business-to-business introductions between stakeholders and investors, and to provide a platform for public- and private-sector stakeholders to exchange ideas and expertise.

During the UK Sci-Tech Virtual Tour, delegates participated in panel sessions that covered topics including decarbonization, the affordability and supply of renewable energy, R&D collaborations, and achieving net zero carbon emissions.  

Delivering an opening address, Marwan Al Naqbi, Head of Economic Affairs Section, UAE Embassy in London, said: “Renewable energy is currently one of the most important focus areas for countries to pursue joint initiatives in. The UAE is committed to playing a leading role in protecting our planet for the next generation, and we are incredibly proud to be hosting COP28 next year.

“New technology will need to be developed, tested, and brought to market. This is one area in which the best minds from the UK and the UAE can work together to address common challenges. In my view, the UAE is a global pioneer in creating an optimal environment to enable innovation across industries.”

He added: “The UAE and UK share an ambition to collaborate in areas of shared national interest, such as industry, advanced technologies, and renewable energy. My message to everyone is that there is a great opportunity here for partnerships to flourish.”

Alison Hall, HM Deputy Consul General, British Embassy in Dubai, commented: “The UK has put science, research, and innovation as the heart of its industrial strategy and recognizes that scientific collaboration and developing international partnerships are critical for technological innovation. Our council for science and technology has noted that the greatest challenges facing humanity transcend national boundaries and require collective action.”

In a session focused on MoIAT’s efforts in promoting advanced technology adoption and development of renewable energy during the virtual tour, Tariq Al Hashmi, Director of Technology Adoption and Development, MoIAT, said: “Digital technologies will be key to a sustainable future. Through our Industry 4.0 program, the UAE is supporting industry to innovate and to adopt advanced technologies including energy efficient solutions. This program contributes to positioning our industrial base at the forefront of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to enhance its competitiveness, sustainability, and productivity.”

He added: “In 2021 MoIAT launched its integrated industrial and advanced technology strategy, Operation 300 Billion, which aims to increase the contribution of the industrial sector to GDP. Through this strategy we aim to help diversify our economy and safeguard our future by enabling and incentivizing sustainable and technology-empowered industrialization. As part of this strategy, we are planning to increase spending on research and development to 2 percent of our GDP. This will help to mature and de-risk key enabling technologies such as carbon capture, hydrogen fuel, and solar cells to a point where the return on investment is very attractive.”

MoIAT’s virtual tour series is part of its efforts to promote collaboration with global counterparts and facilitate engagements with academics, experts and investors around the world. As well as helping to establish important relationships that will shape the future of the global industrial sector, the tours highlight the UAE’s unique value proposition, in line with MoIAT’s Make it in the Emirates initiative.

The tours reinforce the UAE’s position as a platform for collaboration and a global hub for science and technology. The UK Sci-Tech Virtual Tour follows other Tours with Spain, South Korea, and Singapore.


About the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology

The UAE’s Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT), established in July 2020, is mandated with strengthening the UAE’s industrial sector, specifically by accelerating the adoption of advanced technologies and Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) solutions across the value chain.

MoIAT has three overarching goals: Strengthening the UAE’s industrial base, ensuring in country value, and raising the competitiveness of local industries. By enhancing the contribution of advanced technology, the Ministry will support the country’s sustainable economic growth, and ensure GDP contribution from the industry sector. 

The Ministry will draft policies, laws and programs to create a world-class industrial development framework for the nation that will help attract foreign direct investment, boost In-Country Value creation, support national entrepreneurship, drive job creation, and boost exports of ‘Made in UAE’ products.

From encouraging the establishment of industrial complexes to raising local capacity in advanced technology, the Ministry will accelerate industrial development in a bid to drive economic growth, diversification, value retention and national self-reliance.

For more information, please contact MoIAT’s team at: Media@moiat.gov.ae