Kuwait City: Kuwait Financial Centre “Markaz” participated at the 2nd Kuwait Public Private Partnership Conference (PPPKW2) as a Gold sponsor under the theme "Partnership for Development", which was held from 12-14 June, 2023 at the Al-Hashemi Ballroom at the Radisson Blu Hotel. Markaz’s sponsorship and participation bolster its CSR strategy under the pillar of ‘promoting good governance in the business environment’, which aims to promote cooperation between the private and public sector in the country.  

The conference was held under the Patronage of Dr. Khaled Mahdi, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Planning & Development, and was organized by the Kuwaiti Federation of Engineering Offices and Consultant Houses (KFEOCH), headed by Eng. Bader Al-Salman, in collaboration with Razen Events. The 3-day event hosted a series of panel discussions and saw the participation of government entities and private sector institutions, concerned with public and private partnership and development projects. PPPKW2 sought to shed light on all the legislative and legal aspects necessary to succeed in such partnership projects and showcased methods to overcome any potential obstacles along the way. The conference also highlighted some of the best international practices in the field. 

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr. Abdullatif W. Al-Nusif, Managing Director of Wealth Management and Business Development at Markaz, said: “At Markaz, we believe in the immense potential of public and private sector partnership, which can strengthen the country’s economy. There is no doubt that such partnerships will contribute to the creation of job opportunities and the diversification of income sources. Markaz has always participated in strategic partnerships by bidding on several projects in the residential, industrial, and infrastructure sectors. We have also pioneered innovation in the financial sector by offering innovative solutions, including enabling individual investors to invest with small amounts in the real estate sector to overcome prevalent entry barriers. We believe that there are still many unexplored avenues for fruitful collaborations and we hope to continue being part of sustainable development in future projects.”

As part of Markaz’s panel participation, Mr. Khaled A. AlMubaraki, Senior Vice President of MENA Real Estate at Markaz, contributed his insights to the panel discussion under the title, “The partnership between public and private sectors as a tributary of sustainable development.” He shared his views on the current and new tools that will contribute to strengthening this partnership such as the real estate development law, the importance of government support for such initiatives, and the need to accelerate the legislative process to keep pace with key development.

About Kuwait Financial Centre “Markaz”

Established in 1974, Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C “Markaz” is one of the leading asset management and investment banking institutions in the MENA region with total assets under management of over KD 1.13 billion as of 31 March 2023 (USD 3.67 billion). Markaz was listed on the Boursa Kuwait in 1997. Over the years, Markaz has pioneered innovation through the creation of new investment channels. These channels enjoy unique characteristics and helped Markaz widen investors’ horizons. Examples include Mumtaz (the first domestic mutual fund), MREF (the first real estate investment fund in Kuwait), and Forsa Financial Fund (the first and only options market maker in the GCC since 2005), all conceptualized, established, and managed by Markaz.

For further information, please contact:
Sondos S. Saad
Media & Communications Department
Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C. "Markaz"
Email: ssaad@markaz.com