Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: “L'azurde Company for Jewelry”, a renowned name in the world of jewelry, released five exclusive gold coins to celebrate Saudi Arabia’s National Day, which falls on September 23.

The National Day Gold Coin Set showcases the occasion's significance and allows customers in Saudi Arabia to celebrate in an extraordinary and marvelous way.  

This gold coin set from “L’azurde” celebrates Saudi Arabia's National Day and its amazing heritage. It features five intricately crafted coins representing Medina, Mecca, Jeddah, Dammam, and Riyadh.

Each coin represents the essence and legacy of these five incredible and loved-by-all cities. They feature prominent historical and contemporary Saudi landmarks that contributed to the Kingdom's richness and greatness.

Regarding the gold collection, Sélim Chidiac, CEO of L’azurde, said: “Each coin captures the unique spirit of these cities, making this set a perfect keepsake for National Day.”

He emphasized: “Crafted with precision, this collection symbolizes unity, tradition, and L'azurde’s commitment to quality. It is ideal for collectors and those wishing to honor the nation’s pride on its Memorial Day.”

The 40g set is made of 24K yellow gold, and each coin weighs 8 g. The precious-to-keep collection is part of many sophisticated and distinctive L’azurde designs created to add unique touches to extra-special Jewelry pieces.

“L'azurde” invites you to cherish National Day by owning the whole coin set or one or more of these carefully designed artworks; each coin can also be bought separately.

The collection is available at all L’azurde stores located in the most prestigious markets and commercial shopping centers in Saudi Arabia, and the online shopping service through its e-commerce platform, which has been developed in a modern way to give its customers a very engaging and attractive shopping experience.