Kuala Lumpur – The Association of Islamic Banking and Financial Institutions Malaysia (AIBIM), in partnership with the Central Bank of Malaysia, is hosting the Global Islamic Finance Forum 2022 (GIFF2022) on Oct 5 and 6 in Kuala Lumpur.

Themed “Take the Reins”, the biennial forum first conceived in 2007, will bring together the best minds, leaders, and innovators of the industry to address issues, opportunities and imperatives required to bolster Islamic finance’s global leadership.

Speakers will discuss the role of Islamic finance in advancing digitalisation, sustainability, inclusivity, and social finance. Panelists will offer a Shariah take on metaverse assets; cryptocurrency; sustainability and technology; mobilising Zakat, Sadaqah and Waqf; women leaders in Islamic finance; as well as emerging halal investment opportunities.

Key speakers include Fredes Montes, Senior Financial Specialist, World Bank; Dan Jones, Partner, Oliver Wyman; Jordan Shwide, General Manager, Monzo; Aamir Rehman, Chair, Innate Capital Partners/UN Advisor on Islamic Finance; Irfan Khan, CEO, mmob; Rafe Haneef, CEO, Group Transaction Banking and CIMB Foundation; Thomas Tsao, Co-Founder, Gobi Partners; Daeng Termizi, Founder and COO, Kestrl; and Bertuğ Öngiden, Global Strategy and Ops Lead, Revolut.

There will be two special sessions: a public lecture by the recipient of the Royal Award for Islamic Finance 2022, and a fireside chat with Azman Mokhtar, on the future of Islamic finance. The Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, Nor Shamsiah Mohd Yunus will deliver a keynote address.

Chairman of GIFF2022, Arsalaan Ahmed said, “The challenges from the pandemic over the last couple of years have brought about vast changes. This is observed through the rise of Islamic consumption power which has transformed the global consumer landscape. The Islamic economy is now a crucial part of national recovery policies in more countries. In addition, the pandemic has accelerated digitalisation to promote financial inclusion.

“These key changes, coupled with the strong growth in Islamic finance highlights that the Islamic community has vast influence and potential to lead and create a more balanced world, prioritising inclusivity, and sustainability.”

Islamic finance rebounded strongly in the first half of 2021. Islamic finance assets were valued at US$3.6 trillion in 2021 and are expected to reach US$4.9 trillion in 2025. Malaysia remained the global leader in Islamic finance and is ranked first among 81 countries for the ninth consecutive year in the Global Islamic Economy Indicator. [1]  

“In line with these global developments and Malaysia’s Financial Sector Blueprint 2022-2026 which aims to advance value-based finance through Islamic finance leadership, GIFF2022 will focus on enhancing the industry’s resilience to address the rapidly evolving economic, social, and environmental needs to bolster Islamic finance’s global leadership,” Arsalaan added.

Value-based finance aims to strengthen the roles of Islamic finance institutions while giving equal importance to social, ethical, and environmental considerations to ensure sustainable value creation.

To register for GIFF2022, please visit www.giff-aibim.com  


[1] Dinar Standard’s The State of the Global Islamic Economy Report 2022 (9th edition)