Dubai, United Arab Emirates: IFZA, a dynamic Free Zone community in Dubai recently donated used laptops to a network of schools with the aim of reducing electronic waste and contribute to digitally upskilling UAE’s youth.

The move was driven by the nation’s hosting of COP28 UAE later this year as its efforts to reach net zero emissions has set a momentum for sustainable practices and inspired organizations to conduct their own business activities responsibly.

According to the UN, around 53.6 million metric tons of e-waste is produced every year worldwide. Such a large quantity of tech gadgets being disposed irresponsibly every year can lead to an increase in emissions and landfill waste.

As a commitment to supporting the UAE government’s efforts towards reaching Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Quality Education and Goal 13 - Climate Action, IFZA identified a school network in Dubai that would benefit from upcycled laptops and donated 27 formatted high-quality laptops to them. This move is also IFZA’s contribution to the UAE’s efforts towards a more circular economy.

The initiative is spearheaded by IFZA Cares,  its official corporate social responsibility arm that strives to contribute to the greater humanitarian focus of the UAE’s leadership and has created numerous opportunities to this end.

IFZA Cares ensured that the laptops are upcycled and donated to solve a problem in the community instead of disposing them as ewaste that pollutes the environment.

Students of determination who are enrolled in this network of schools will benefit by enhancing their access to digital tools, and ultimately gaining confidence in their technological skills.

Jochen Knecht, CEO of IFZA said “Every business has the power to create a positive impact within the communities they operate and we aim to not only operate successfully but also responsibly. As digitally powered businesses we are accountable for digital waste and by carefully passing on our used gadgets we are playing our part in creating a clean and sustainable environment as well as upskilling the next generation.”


IFZA Dubai is the most dynamic and truly international Free Zone Community in the UAE, optimising the country's strategic location, world-class infrastructure, and business-friendly environment. IFZA differentiates itself through its multi-national approach, providing personalised business establishment solutions through its network of Government Authorities and Professional Partners. 

Business owners and Employees can also benefit from a wide spectrum of value-added services within the IFZA ecosystem, including but not limited to property solutions, visa packages and training and development. The IFZA Business Park offers a wide variety of cutting-edge office