Duba, UAE – UAE based Fuelre4m, innovators of the groundbreaking Re4mx products and technology, is thrilled to announce the endorsement of their Green Goals campaign by Harry Redknapp, the legendary English football manager and TV personality. This campaign harnesses the star power of football legends to drive awareness and action for sustainability, a subject that  both parties are proud to share focus on.

Harry Redknapp on the Importance of Green Goals

When asked about the role of football in promoting sustainability, Harry Redknapp didn’t hold back: “With the global football industry emitting over 30 million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide each year, more top players need to join in to make a bigger impact. Football's carbon footprint is massive, and players do have a responsibility to help. They can do more by getting involved in green campaigns, pushing for eco-friendly stadiums and clubs, and using social media to spread awareness and influence fans.”

Harry’s decision to back the Green Goals campaign is driven by his passion for football and his commitment to making a positive environmental impact. “Football has the power to inspire millions. If we can use that influence to promote sustainability, we can make a real difference. That’s why I’m excited to be part of Fuelre4m’s Green Goals campaign,” he added.

Rob Mortimer, Managing Director of FuelRe4m, on the Campaign’s Significance

Rob Mortimer, Managing Director of Fuelre4m, highlighted the significance of Harry Redknapp’s support: “Having Harry Redknapp on board is a game-changer. His influence in the football world is immense, and his support for our campaign underscores the importance of sustainability in sports. Harry's involvement will undoubtedly motivate players and fans to take action, amplifying our efforts to reduce the environmental impact of fossil fuels.”

About Fuelre4m and Re4mx Technology

FuelRe4m’s innovative Re4mx technology is a powerful, completely organic, fossil fuel reforming nano-biotechnology that enhances the combustion process in engines. By breaking down impurities and complex hydrocarbons in liquid fossil fuels, Re4mx ensures a more efficient and cleaner burn, resulting in increased power output, lower fuel consumption, and a significant reduction in harmful emissions.

Key Benefits of Re4mx Technology Fuelre4m:

  • Increased Efficiency: Users can expect a remarkable 15% to 20% reduction in fuel consumption as Re4mx products increases the power released and the combustion efficiency of any liquid fossil fuel.
  • Cost Savings: With lower fuel consumption, companies can achieve substantial cost savings on their fuel expenses, potentially generating increased budgets for other sustainability initiatives.
  • Environmental Impact: A massive 40% to 80% reduction in NO, NO2, NOx, CO, SO, SO2, and particulates translates into a cleaner and healthier environment, aligning with global efforts to combat air pollution.

Fuelre4m is strategically positioned to serve industries that heavily rely on fossil fuels, including Ports, Maritime and Shipping, Power Generation, Rail, and Public Transport MINING & QUARRIES. The company understands the unique challenges faced by these sectors and offers a solution that not only meets their energy needs but also aligns with their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

Fuelre4m invites businesses in Ports, Maritime and Shipping, Power Generation, Rail, and Public Transport to join the revolution toward cleaner and more efficient energy consumption. By adopting FuelRe4m’s technology, companies can demonstrate their commitment to combating climate change and showcase tangible results to their customers.

For more information: https://fuelre4m.com/

For media inquiries, please contact:
Peter Redding
Strawberry Creative FZ LLC