Amman, Jordan: Fine Hygienic Holding (FHH), the world-leading wellness group and manufacturer of hygienic paper products and long-term germ protection solutions, recently graduated the first cohort of Fine Academy students and welcomed a new intake of ten learners to the company’s pioneering on-the-job training program that will last for four months.

Fine Academy is a CSR initiative set up to equip trainees with sector relevant knowledge in supply chain management, addressing a recognized skills-gap, in line with the group’s long-term vision for sustainable growth in Jordan and the region. Located at its Areinbeh industrial complex, it utilizes the company’s in-house expertise and 60 years of technical and market knowledge.

James Michael Lafferty, FHH CEO, said, “We are very proud of our first group of students and the progress they made over the course of the program, which has equipped them with the kind of knowledge and in-demand skills we know businesses are looking for. The second batch has already joined us, we expect great things of them and look forward to welcoming more talented and ambitious students in the future.”

Fine Academy was created to offer on-the-job training in supply chain management, and the first iteration welcomed six students, majoring in electromechanical and industrial engineering, from Wadi al Seer College and Luminus Technical University College. Selected for their talent and drive, they were enrolled in an intensive training program designed to help prepare them for the workplace. The comprehensive curriculum covered industry related knowledge and practical supply chain management experience alongside soft skills trainings given by external experts.

Already on their first day the students were given an overview of the company, its manufacturing processes and supply chain, followed by a safety orientation and tour of the facilities. Over the following weeks they received technical and on-the-job training covering the manufacturing lines and packaging process, learning to identify the main parts of the machines and the steps of the production progress. Students were also given insight into the supply chain cycle and the work that goes into ensuring that stringent safety and quality protocols are maintained.

The initiative also offers soft skills trainings, in collaboration with a specialized training agency, covering topics like leadership, time management, communication and presentation skills. The kind of abilities they will need in a professional setting, and which the students got to use on their last day of training, when all managers who supported them during the program were invited to watch the trainees give brief presentations about what they had learnt over the three months, before officially graduating and receiving their certificates of participation.

FHH is planning to grow the program over the coming years to involve further stakeholders, giving even more young people the opportunity to enroll in Jordan and other countries where it operates. The academy is an expansion of educational initiatives, internships and job training already offered by FHH, in line with the group’s continued dedication to giving back to the community.
