RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA: EDT&Partners, a global consulting firm dedicated to driving educational innovation, and EYouth, the leading educational company in the Middle East and Africa focused on enhancing the learning experience for youth and organizations, have joined together in their commitment to advancing education in the region.

The strategic partnership will synergize efforts towards common objectives that drive meaningful impact in education, empowering youth and educators in the Middle East with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to thrive in today’s evolving landscape. Leveraging EDT's portfolio, which reaches millions of educators and learners across 100 countries, this collaboration capitalizes on their extensive expertise in advancing education systems, promoting quality teacher professional development, and effectively integrating technology into classrooms. Paired with EYouth’s regional reach, serving 2 million youth and projected to reach 5 million by 2025, this partnership is positioned to have a transformative impact across the Middle East. 

Hussein Ayoub, Director MEA at EDT&Partners, underscores EDT’s commitment to equity and quality education for youth in the Middle East, "As EYouth bridges the gap between current educational systems and the skill demands of the job market, EDT is honored to collaborate, expanding content offerings to dynamically meet evolving market needs and reach more youth across the MENA region and beyond.”

Mustafa Abd Ellatif, CEO of EYouth, expressed his enthusiasm about the new partnership, "This strategic alliance with EDT&Partners marks a significant milestone in our mission to transform educational opportunities for the youth in the Middle East and Africa. By combining our local insights and network with EDT's global expertise and innovative approaches, we are setting a new standard for educational excellence in the region. We are excited to embark on this journey together, enhancing the capabilities of our educators and providing our youth with the skills they need to succeed in a global economy."

The EDT&Partners and EYouth partnership will culminate at the second version of the Unlearn/Relearn event taking place in Saudi Arabia in 2024, representing a significant step towards educational advancement in the region. The event will unite global speakers and key stakeholders, collaborating with local entities that share a vision of driving meaningful impact for youth and educators across the Middle East.

About EDT&Partners:

EDT&Partners is a global consulting firm dedicated to the Business of Education. They work with Edtechs, corporates, publishers, NGO, Governments and Educational institutions to support and to accelerate innovation, strategy and impact. Their aim is to imagine, inspire, and improve education with transformative solutions for the future of learning.

About EYouth:

EYouth is the leading educational company in the Middle East and Africa, dedicated to enhancing the learning experience for youth and organizations. Founded on February 15th, 2016, EYouth has established itself as a central figure in the intersection of the creator economy and the skills economy, aiming to equip individuals with the necessary skills for success in a rapidly changing world.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Raquel Sease
Marketing Manager, EDT&Partners
Email: rsease@edtpartners.com