Abu Dhabi-UAE:– EDGE, one of the world’s leading advanced technology and defence groups, hosted a high-level delegation of government officials from the Sao Paulo State Government at its headquarters and its manufacturing and testing facilities in Abu Dhabi. During the three-day visit, the delegation met with EDGE Group management and other key Abu Dhabi stakeholders with the objective of exploring potential investments and partnerships in the Sao Paulo State region.

Mansour Al Mulla, Managing Director and CEO of EDGE Group, received the delegation, which was led by Felicio Ramuth, Vice Governor of Sao Paulo, along with Lucas Ferraz, Secretary of International Affairs of the Sao Paulo State Government, Anderson Farias, Mayor of São José dos Campos, and Alexandre Nepomuceno, International Advisory to the Secretary of Public Security. The meeting follows on from previous visits to Sao Paulo by EDGE in 2023 which resulted in the signing of several strategic partnership agreements in the local defence and technology manufacturing ecosystems.

Mansour AlMulla, Managing Director & CEO, EDGE, said: “This latest engagement with our Brazilian partners was a great opportunity for us to continue the exploration of joint opportunities and synergies, and to showcase our advanced technology and defence solutions and advanced production and distribution chains – from initial testing and manufacturing to delivery. Our discussions also marked an important step toward our greater objective of fostering growth in Brazil through mutually beneficial partnerships. We thank the Sao Paulo State Government for their invaluable support in our endeavours to further expand EDGE’s presence in the region through knowledge exchange, R&D cooperation and the co-development of advanced defence systems.”

Felicio Ramuth, Vice Governor of Sao Paolo, said: “Our visit to EDGE Group’s headquarters and industrial facilities in Abu Dhabi is an important development in the growing relationship between the UAE and Sao Paulo – leaving a highly positive impression on our delegation. While these latest discussions focused on investment into our multi-billion-dollar infrastructure portfolio, we also explored ongoing projects and the development of sovereign capabilities through valuable partnerships, both in the military and commercial sectors – which promise to bring significant benefits to all partners involved. We remain committed to supporting EDGE’s expansion in Brazil while contributing to the local economy of Sao Paulo.”

A major pillar of EDGE’s growth strategy is the fostering of mutually beneficial partnerships around the world to support defence capability development, including Sao Paulo and other key partners in Brazil, the strategic relationships that EDGE continues to build on a global scale, whether government or military bodies, established industry players, or promising start-ups, enables it to lay strong foundations for growth and prosperity on the international market.


About EDGE

Launched in November 2019, the UAE’s EDGE is one of the world’s leading advanced technology groups, established to develop agile, bold and disruptive solutions for defence and beyond, and to be a catalyst for change and transformation. It is dedicated to bringing breakthrough innovations, products, and services to market with greater speed and efficiency, to position the UAE as a leading global hub for future industries, and to creating clear paths within the sector for the next generation of highly-skilled talent to thrive.

With a focus on the adoption of 4IR technologies, EDGE is driving the development of sovereign capabilities for global export and for the preservation of national security, working with front-line operators, international partners, and adopting advanced technologies such as autonomous capabilities, cyber-physical systems, advanced propulsion systems, robotics and smart materials. EDGE converges R&D, emerging technologies, digital transformation, and commercial market innovations with military capabilities to develop disruptive solutions tailored to the specific requirements of its customers. Headquartered in Abu Dhabi, capital of the UAE, EDGE consolidates more than 25 entities into five core clusters: Platforms & Systems, Missiles & Weapons, Space & Cyber Technologies, Trading & Mission Support, and Homeland Security.

For more information, visit edgegroup.ae   

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