Manama – On Saturday, December 9th, Dream Big, a volunteer initiative founded in 2014 to promote English language learning for low-income families, hosted its Annual Awarding Ceremony for the academic year 2022-2023. The event took place at the American University of Bahrain (AUBH) and was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs, parliament members, representatives of charitable societies, clubs, and tamkeen youth centers.

The ceremony acknowledged the dedication of volunteers and partners, including clubs, charitable societies, and youth centers. Special recognition was given to individuals supporting the initiative for their outstanding efforts in serving the community throughout the past year. Notably, exceptional achievements were celebrated with awards for the Best Volunteer, Best Assistant Leader, and Best Leader, as well as recognition for the Best Branch among the five initiative branches distributed across Bahrain.

The Best Leader Award for the academic year 2022-2023 was presented to volunteer Mohammed Ali. His ambition and vision went beyond leadership, taking on numerous responsibilities, including leading the curriculum development team and overseeing the re-designing of hundreds of lessons. With professionalism and expertise, he also excelled in balancing these responsibilities with his role as an effective branch leader, contributing to the significant progress of his branch since joining the team.

The Best Assistant Leader award for the academic year 2022-2023 was given to volunteer Jannat Nader. Her dedication went beyond her branch responsibilities, consistently attending throughout the year and being available whenever her team needed her. Jannat played a key role in curriculum redesign, linguistic audit, and contributed creatively to branch events. Her achievements make her the leader of her branch for the academic year 2023-2023.

Additionally, five volunteers were recognized as the Best Volunteers across the five branches: Fadak AlZahraa from Saar Branch, Ali Rashed from Nuaim Branch, Mohammed AlKhawaja from Isa Town Branch, Mariam Warsi from Muharraq Branch, and Mohammed Abbas from Malkiya Branch.

Nuaim Branch (Nuaim Tamkeen Youth Center) was awarded as the Best Branch for the academic year 2022-2023. The branch demonstrated creativity and dedication in organizing diverse and innovative activities for both volunteers and students. The branch created a fun learning environment, raising academic and linguistic standards for all students, as acknowledged by parents. Moreover, Nuaim Branch successfully transformed the volunteer work environment into a cohesive family and a healthy community from all aspects.

Jassim Makhlooq, the president of the program, stated, "Throughout the years, the initiative has formed an attractive environment for thousands of students and hundreds of volunteers, serving as a model for giving and ambitious Bahraini youth. The annual Dream Big program honors momentous achievements that have had a lasting impact on individuals in the Bahraini community, reflecting the outstanding efforts of volunteers throughout the academic year 2022-2023."

For enquiries, please contact:
Jasim Makhlooq
Dream Big Bahrain