Dubai, United Arab Emirates – In a story that will inspire residents across the Emirates, a blue-collar worker has defied the odds to become a National Bonds millionaire. Nagendram Borugadda, a 46-year-old electrician from Gullapalli Village, India, struck gold in the latest draw, taking home a life-changing AED 1 million prize.

Borugadda’s path to financial fortune was built dirham by dirham, with the sweat of his brow and the unwavering love for his family. Borugadda’s journey to millionaire status is a testament to the power of perseverance and smart saving habits. Arriving in the UAE in 2017 with a dream to provide a brighter future for his family, Borugadda, a father of two (an 18-year-old daughter and a 14-year-old son), focused on hard work and financial responsibility.

Since 2019, Borugadda has been a loyal National Bonds saver, diligently contributing AED 100 every month through a direct debit. This simple yet consistent saving strategy proved to be the key to Borugadda’s unexpected win.

Borugadda’s story is a beacon of hope for many expatriates in the UAE who come to work hard and build a better life. It highlights the importance of starting small, building a consistent savings habit, and utilizing financial tools like National Bonds to achieve long-term goals.

This win serves as a powerful reminder that financial security is attainable for everyone, regardless of income level. By prioritizing saving, even in small amounts, and exploring saving tools that offer opportunities to win big, residents across the UAE can take control of their financial future.

Borugadda expressed a mix of disbelief and elation. “It’s truly overwhelming” he said. “I came to the UAE to build a better life for my family, provide good education for my children, and this win feels surreal.  National Bonds has given me a chance to finally secure their future and fulfill my long-held aspirations for their education.”

It’s worth noting that alongside Nagendram Borugadda, another Emirati winner, Abdulla Ali, clinched the AED 1 million grand prize in April 2024.


About National Bonds Corporation Sole Proprietorship PSC

National Bonds Corporation is a Sharia-compliant savings and investment company owned by the Investment Corporation of Dubai, established in 2006. It is licensed and supervised by the Securities and Commodities Authority and is audited by the Dubai Government Audit Department, Sharia Supervisory Board as well as reputable International external auditors. The company provides UAE nationals, UAE residents, and non-residents with an opportunity to build and fortify their savings safety net, as well as invest in programs that offer competitive returns with lower risk. Its goal is to encourage disciplined savings habits for people across the 7 Emirates, in line with the UAE Government's Vision for a financially secure and sustainable future. National Bonds offers an exciting AED 35.5 million Rewards Program to all savers, with monthly and quarterly prizes ranging from AED 1 million to various luxury cars.