Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: Community Jameel Saudi takes a step towards realizing its ambitious strategy to "Innovate for a Better Future", with the release of its 2021 annual report, revealing key accomplishments across six core development areas. In alignment with the aims and ambition of the Kingdom's Vision 2030, Community Jameel Saudi supported initiatives in Competency Development, Entrepreneur Advancement, Women Empowerment, Community Well-Being, Humanitarian and Climate Change.

Supporting the organisation's objectives to provide job opportunities for the nation's young men and women while further maintaining better living standards and prosperity, the Community Jameel Saudi annual report details outcomes across local programmes and services provided to beneficiaries across Saudi Arabia.

Hassan Jameel, Vice Chairman of Community Jameel said: "Thanks to the hard work, dedication and ambition of our team members, 2021 proved to be a year of growth and expansion for Community Jameel Saudi. We helped create job opportunities for our nation's youth in line with best global practices across various fields, including small and medium enterprise development while supporting Saudisation efforts across the nation. In support of the Kingdom's Vision 2030, Community Jameel Saudi continues to work within an integrated system to provide advanced solutions for a better future through social and economic development. As we reflect on the year that has passed, we remain committed to ensuring all our initiatives are innovative, guided by research, and that we use technology to positively impact society in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for generations to come."

Community Jameel Saudi 2021 annual report achievements

Contributing to the creation of 14,230 jobs for men and women in Saudi Arabia, Bab Rizq Jameel Recruitment company (BRJR) provides employment services aimed at localising job vacancies through several employment programmes and a specialised team that works efficiently to develop qualified national cadres. The Tawteen program, which assists enterprises in localising jobs and implementing ministerial decisions, created 9826 opportunities, while Tahseen offered 184 seasonal and temporary job opportunities to citizens. Meanwhile, the Tayseer program created 4220 opportunities, enabling the youth to gain experience in various fields and to increase their income.

As part of supporting efforts to provide job opportunities, SAR 85.9 million loans have been disbursed across Jeddah, Dammam, Riyadh, Madina, and Tabuk to 1607 beneficiaries through Bab Rizq Jameel Microfinance company (BRJMF) - the Saudi first network of branches that give microloans to citizens to help them provide Saudi with job opportunities to work from home and in the SME sector with the aim of contributing to job creation and economic development.

Supporting the role of women as an essential and active member of Saudi society, 1237 Saudi women were supported through the Nafisa Shams Academy for Arts and Crafts entrepreneurship and specialised craft training programme. the Academy provides an integrated work environment suitable for Saudi women and includes more than 250 members. 126,152 handcrafted products were produced as well.

In the field of entrepreneurship, the MITEF Startup Competition in Saudi Arabia and the Arab World was launched in 2021. For the first time, the MITEF Competition for Arab Startups and the MITEF Competition for Startups in Saudi Arabia have been combined as a single competition for startup companies in Saudi Arabia and the Arab world under the sponsorship and supervision of the Emirate of Madinah Province. The competition aims to promote and enrich the entrepreneurship environment and contribute to supporting startups and entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia and the Arab world. More than 2,600 projects from over 20 Arab countries have applied for the competition.

In line with the growing demand for technical services provided by cloud platforms and their role in supporting and developing small and medium-sized companies to achieve success and keep pace with the growth prospects offered by the digital economy, Bab Rizq Jameel Services Company developed Bab Rizq Jameel applications in 2021 to meet the developing needs of entrepreneurs and support them in achieving more technical successes in their businesses. 53 beneficiaries have used Bab Rizq Jameel services.

Humanitarian initiatives have a role in helping provide all facilities and services to some segments of society, including providing charitable health services, supporting low-income families, and catering to the needs of the disabled and people with special needs. Jameel Saudi Society also seeks to contribute to providing housing and living requirements and the basics of a decent life, develop the practical skills of beneficiaries and prepare programmes to rehabilitate prisoners and provide aid to their families.

Over the last three-quarters of a century, the Foundation's accomplishments directly contribute to the organisation's vision to build a better future by creating promising job opportunities, decreasing unemployment, enriching community development, sustaining economic progress, and ensuring thriving prosperity across various sectors in the Kingdom.


Community Jameel Saudi

Established in 2010, Community Jameel Saudi is a foundation aims at supporting and enriching the Saudi communities through six development areas: competency development, women empowerment, community well-being, entrepreneur's advancement, climate change and humanitarian initiatives. These six areas of development share a primary goal: to act as a catalyst to create job opportunities that lead to better lives, thereby keeping the economy thriving across various industries.

Community Jameel Saudi and the Jameel family are currently celebrating three quarters of a century of philanthropy; this journey is marked through the 75 Years / 75 Voices / 75 Stories project, which includes contributions from our partners and constituents.