Cairo, Egypt: As part of its corporate social responsibility efforts, Cairo 3A Poultry, a subsidiary of the Cairo 3A Group, has announced the signing of a cooperation protocol with Cairo University’s Faculty of Agriculture. This partnership aims to advance scientific research in agriculture and animal production, and to train students for the labor market under the supervision of Dr. Mohamed Hamoud, General Manager of Poultry Divisions at Cairo 3A Poultry. The initiative aligns with Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy (Egypt Vision 2030) by investing in human resources, supporting scientific research, and integrating education with development.

The announcement was made during a ceremony honoring the first batch of students from Cairo University’s Faculty of Agriculture, who completed their training at Cairo 3A Poultry's Wahat Site—Egypt's largest poultry city—and the Shahd automated chicken slaughterhouse. The event was attended by Dr. Mohamed Hamoud, General Manager of Poultry Activities at Cairo 3A Poultry; Dr. Sameh Abdel Fattah, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture at Cairo University; Dr. Mohamed Abdel Rahman El-Menawey, Professor of Department of Animal Production at the Faculty; and Mr. Ahmed Maher, Human Resources Manager for both Cairo 3A Poultry and Pyramids Poultry.

Under the protocol, Cairo 3A Poultry will offer students from Cairo University’s Faculty of Agriculture training opportunities at various production sites within the company. This hands-on experience is designed to prepare students for the labor market, with top-performing candidates being considered for employment based on their performance during the training period. The collaboration commenced with the first batch of students, including 15 female students who trained at the Shahd automated chicken slaughterhouse and 13 male students who trained in the Wahat Farm, over a three-month period.

 “The protocol with Cairo University’s Faculty of Agriculture marks a significant step towards enhancing cooperation between the academic and industrial sectors, contributing to the development of Egypt’s poultry industry. This is achieved by providing practical training for students at the company’s various sites, effectively preparing them for the labor market, and through collaboration on research projects in poultry production to improve productivity. Additionally, joint field and laboratory research will support sustainable development strategies.” Stated, Mr. Ibrahim Wagdy, CEO of Cairo 3A Poultry.

Raw materials and scientific and educational research requirements for faculty members, postgraduate students, and undergraduates will also be provided by Cairo 3A Poultry. The protocol includes joint field and laboratory research, the organization of joint training and educational workshops and courses, the development and establishment of model poultry farms, and the exchange of expertise in poultry production and related research services.

Cairo 3A Poultry is dedicated to advancing Egypt’s poultry industry by launching and supporting initiatives to enhance the capabilities of small farmers and students. One prominent initiative is the “Cairo 3A School” training program, the first of its kind in Egypt, designed to train broiler, breeder, and parent poultry farmers in all technical aspects of farm management. This program aims to improve efficiency by providing scientific and practical knowledge to farmers and workers. The company also collaborates with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Benha University to support its research efforts in developing Egypt’s poultry production industry and equipping its students with the skills necessary to excel in the labor market.


About Cairo 3A Group:

Cairo 3A Group is the largest national entity in the food industries sector, comprising specialized companies in the food industry in general. Through its subsidiaries, the group has penetrated numerous export markets. Established in 1981 as a company specializing in agriculture and commodity trading, Cairo 3A Group has pursued a clear vision aimed at increasing its investment volume. This strategic expansion has been achieved through the establishment of new ventures such as Cairo 3A Poultry, established in 2018, and the strategic acquisition of established companies including the National Company for Maize Products (NCMP), Pyramid Poultry, and the Egyptian Starch and Glucose Company (ESGC).