• Six companies listed in the “Premier” Market met with world-renowned investment institutions at the exchange’s 12th Corporate Day in London

LONDON: In its continuous quest to showcase the Kuwaiti capital market and its standout listed companies as well as ignite investor interest in the unique opportunities it presents, Boursa Kuwait organized its twelfth Corporate Day in London in collaboration with Jefferies Financial Group, a world-renowned global investment banking and capital markets institution, on Monday, May 20, 2024.

The prominent event brought together six companies listed on the exchange with globally recognized asset management firms, investment banks, sovereign wealth funds, pension funds and other financial entities. Institutional investors were given an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge about “Premier” Market entities, including Boursa Kuwait, the National Bank of Kuwait (NBK), Gulf Bank, Mabanee, Jazeera Airways and HumanSoft, and through 36 meetings where the Kuwaiti companies presented their latest performance figures, ESG metrics business strategies, and outlook to financial analysts from these global institutions.

Speaking on behalf of the exchange, Boursa Kuwait’s Head of Markets Sector Noura Al-Abdulkareem said, “Boursa Kuwait is committed to showcasing the investment opportunities in the Kuwaiti capital market and its standout listed companies that attract the interest of investors from around the world through its series of Corporate Days that are organized with world-renowned financial entities in the international capitals of finance. Access to long-term global capital is essential to the Kuwaiti capital market’s sustainable growth and we will continue to explore opportunities that will provide transparency, enhance market liquidity and attract a greater range of investors to our marketplace.”

During its meetings with prospective investors, Boursa Kuwait showcased its first-quarter performance as well as the underlying numbers of the Kuwaiti capital market, which saw tremendous growth in trading volume, jumping 68.65% from 8.52 billion shares to 14.36 billion shares. Additionally, traded value increased by 34.21% from KD 2.64 billion to KD 3.54 billion, while average daily traded value (ADTV) increased by the same percentage from KD 43.26 million in 2023 to KD 58.06 million. Furthermore, institutional investors made up 62% of the capital market in the first quarter of 2024 while international investors made up 15%, a testament to Boursa Kuwait’s continuous efforts to develop the Kuwaiti capital market and promote it to investors worldwide.

Boursa Kuwait’s Chief Financial Officer Mr. Naim Azad Din said, “Corporate Days are an integral part of Boursa Kuwait’s strategy, as they give the exchange, which has been self-listed on the “Premier” Market since 2020, a chance to showcase its financial and operational performance and highlight our initiatives in the field of ESG implementation and reporting. These events also give Boursa Kuwait a chance to tell its story to the international investment community as a leader in the region as well as a pioneer in the privatization efforts of the State of Kuwait and a successful tale in the privatization of stock exchanges in the Middle East.”

“Boursa Kuwait’s participation comes as part of the company’s commitment to implementing the best-in-class standards and practices in the field of investor relations, as IR plays a pivotal role in developing business strategies and enabling investors access to vital financial and non-financial information that helps them make sound investment decisions and gives them insights into future outlooks and opportunities. We are grateful to Jefferies Financial Group for giving us this opportunity to tell our story and we look forward to more collaborations in the future,” said Azad Din.

The 12th Corporate Day marks the third collaboration between the Kuwaiti stock exchange and Jefferies Financial Group, and the first in 2024. In 2023, the two financial institutions partnered twice, once on a London Roadshow with the Kuwait Clearing Company that contributed to the implementation of several developmental projects to ease investor access and another time on a Corporate Day held in Dubai that saw the participation of 13 listed companies. 

Boursa Kuwait has been a key driver in the development of the Kuwaiti capital market and the diversification of the national economy, in line with the goals of the “New Kuwait” vision. Since its inception, the company has worked diligently to create a thriving capital market that attracts local and foreign investors through a broad spectrum of new products and services, infrastructure upgrades, and market reform initiatives, as part of its multi-phase market development plans.

Boursa Kuwait was fully privatized in 2019, the first government entity in the country to successfully undergo the process, bringing about greater levels of efficiency. It has also been self-listed since September 2020 and has made great strides in sustaining its operations and business continuity in the face of uncertainties and challenges.

The company has rolled out numerous market reforms and new initiatives as part of its comprehensive multi-phase market development (MD) plans and showcases some of the standout listed companies and the investment opportunities that reside in the Kuwaiti capital market through its series of Roadshows and Corporate Days, putting these companies in touch with some of the world’s leading investment firms and financial institutions and highlighting their financial health and business strategies and outlooks, to help investors gain an in-depth understanding of the benefits and opportunities of investing in Kuwaiti companies.


About Boursa Kuwait:

The establishment of Boursa Kuwait in 2014 marked the first step in the privatization project of the Kuwait Stock Exchange, which was founded in 1977 as the first exchange in the Gulf Cooperation Council region and was reorganized in 1983 as an independent financial institution. The transitional phase began in 2016, with Boursa Kuwait officially assuming the responsibilities and operations of the Kuwait Stock Exchange, replacing it with an official license in the same year after the successful completion of the transitional phase. This ensured that Boursa Kuwait developed the infrastructure and operated according to best practices and international standards. It commenced the creation of an advanced, reliable trading platform built on efficiency, credibility, and transparency to serve all asset classes with a focus on the interests of traders and the national economy.

Boursa Kuwait has undertaken various market reforms as part of its comprehensive plans to enhance it in several stages. It succeeded in introducing innovative investment tools, enhancing transparency, and restructuring the market to increase its liquidity and competitiveness, based on its mission-focused strategy, which emphasizes developing the market to meet international standards. The company's developmental and improvement efforts have also contributed to the reclassification of the Kuwait market as an «emerging market» among key global index providers, enhancing Kuwait's position as a leading regional financial center.

In a pioneering step in Kuwait's privatization field, the privatization of Boursa Kuwait was successful, conducted in two stages. The first stage was in February 2019 when a consortium of Kuwaiti investment companies and a global exchange operator won the privatization bid, acquiring a 44% stake in the company.

In December 2019, the privatization process was completed through the public offering of a 50% stake owned by the Capital Markets Authority to Kuwaiti citizens, with the offering oversubscribed by more than 850%. Boursa Kuwait is listed on the «Premier Market» under the name «Boursa».

For further information, please contact:
Ahmad Rashed Al-Owaish
PR and Media Manager - Boursa Kuwait