Manama – Arabian Gulf University: His Excellency Dr Saad bin Saud Al Fuhaid, President of the Arabian Gulf University (AGU), congratulated students accepted into the Doctor of Medicine programme and the preparatory programme for the academic year 2024/2025.

He welcomed the students from the GCC, highlighting their acceptance into such a prestigious institution as a significant achievement, reflecting years of dedication and hard work throughout their general education. The President noted that this acceptance not only represents a privilege but also a responsibility, as these students act as ambassadors for their countries and families.

He reaffirmed the university’s ongoing commitment to enhancing its development at all levels, ensuring the quality of its academic programmes, and attracting the best academic talent, stating that this will certainly empower students to graduate with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to contribute to the advancement of the medical and health sector within the GCC.

During the initial days of orientation and guidance, Dr Al Fuhaid encouraged the new students to approach their studies with seriousness and perseverance, emphasising the expectation that they will be the future generation pivotal to the development and progress of the GCC. He urged students to take full advantage of the opportunities the university presents, focusing on developing their skills and acquiring modern knowledge and sciences, rather than simply aiming to obtain a degree. He also assured them that the university would strive to provide an ideal educational environment conducive to their comfort and academic success.

In his remarks, Dr Abdulrahman Yousif Ismael, Vice President for Administrative Affairs and Dean of Student Affairs, conveyed pride in welcoming distinguished Gulf students, who are expected to play active roles in enhancing medical services across the GCC in the near future. He expressed his pride in the university’s graduates, who contribute to sustainable development with their exceptional expertise and skills, citing numerous alumni who have assumed leadership positions in various ministries, hospitals and research centres both within and beyond the Gulf community.

On his part, Prof. Abdelhalim Abdelfattah Deifallah, Dean of College of Medicine and Medical Studies, provided new students with an overview of the college’s academic structure, evaluation criteria, and the requirements for transferring to the second year of medical studies. He also highlighted the significance of engaging in scientific research and participating in volunteer student initiatives, which enrich the experience of medical education.

Prof. Deifallah also expressed hope that the academic year would be marked by excellence, activity and success, while emphasising the noble humanitarian purpose of the medical profession. He encouraged students to embrace their responsibilities, preparing them for leadership roles that foster research and discoveries aimed at addressing prevalent health issues.

The orientation and academic guidance programme encompasses an overview of all academic and service aspects of the university. New students met with representatives from various administrative departments and learned about the services available to support their academic journey. In addition to the Dean of Student Affairs, students engaged with representatives from the Student Care and University Accommodation Department, the Quality and Excellence Centre, Public Services, Public Relations and Media, and the Information Technology Centre. They were briefed on the university’s behaviour regulations, accommodation policies, transportation schedules, electronic services, including the e-learning platform, and general student services.

The second day of the orientation programme will feature a meeting with Mr. Abdulhamed Marhoun, Head of the Admissions and Registration Department, and a lecture by Dr Ahmed Malallah Al Ansari, Professor of Psychiatry, addressing the challenges faced by new students and the support available through guidance services. Students will gain insights into the preparatory programme and the resources offered by the university library. They will also hear from distinguished students about their experiences at the College of Medicine and engage with members of the Student Council. On the third day, students will finalise their course registration procedures, and on the fourth day, they will meet with heads and representatives of the cultural attachés from the GCC countries.