Cairo: Pepsi Cola Egypt “PCE” and Al-Ahram Beverages Company “ABC” have the pleasure to announce the signature of their sale and resale agreement aiming at scaling up the sales of non-alcoholic malt beverages in the Egyptian market. This agreement will increase the products’ accessibility and enable more consumers to enjoy ABC’s non-alcoholic beverages, Fayrouz, Birell and Amstel Zero. More Egyptian consumers will be able to enjoy this renowned range of non-alcoholic beverages produced by Al- Ahram Beverages Company thanks to Pepsi Cola Egypt’s vast and stable distribution channels and capabilities across Egypt.

This agreement aims to diversify and complement Pepsi Cola Egypt’s brand portfolio through tapping into the non-alcoholic malt beverages sector, which is considered a very promising and growing one, enjoyed by millions of Egyptian consumers.

“This step confirms our consistent pursuit to be more consumer-centric through building solid foundations and reaching new consumer segments. We have a firm belief that Al-Ahram Beverages Company is one of the leading companies in the non-alcoholic malt beverages sector in the market, with the highest quality standards that’s why we chose to collaborate with them.” Said Mohamed Shelbaya, Pepsi Cola Egypt, CEO.  

Shelbaya further highlighted: “Pepsi Cola Egypt will use its extensive distribution network in availing the range of non-alcoholic malt beverages across Egypt. Our network is considered one of the broadest Fast-Moving Consumer Goods networks in the Egyptian market, through its distribution centres located across the country and accessed by a fleet of operating distribution trucks, all equipped with the best-in-class technologies in managing product distribution and sales.” He also stated: “We believe that this agreement will enable us to constantly grow and complement our full portfolio and be consumer centric as one of our internal key strategies.”

Al-Ahram Beverages Company’s Managing Director, Hans Essaadi said “ABC always strives to improve its legacy in the Egyptian market, thus engaging with a strong corporate entity like Pepsi Cola Egypt to achieve one of our strategic milestones, which is expanding our customer base and reaching a larger number of consumers. This agreement will definitely increase the volumes of our brands of choice Fayrouz, Birell and Amstel zero to cover the Egyptian market.”  

Essaadi confirmed “This agreement is a firm step towards further strengthening ABC’s consistent presence and expansion in the Egyptian market like it always did since 1897. Over decades, ABC produced high-quality beverages and empowered the industry with state-of-the-art plants and production facilities. ABC was always keen on introducing innovative and diversified products that satisfy the Egyptian consumers changing needs including non-alcoholic malt beverages.” He further explained: “This business agreement will have a positive impact on the industry, achieve synergies and create results-driven outcomes. It is a path towards a new business vision we aspire to succeed and sustain.”

This sale and resale agreement proves that both companies are willing and can serve their consumers with the best service and highest quality products.

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