16 March 2016
Visitors now have an additional experience in their At the Top, Burj Khalifa journey

Dubai, UAE - The iconic Burj Khalifa has unveiled a new attraction that will spellbind visitors to At the Top, Burj Khalifa, the popular observation deck on Level 124. A brand-new spiral flight is now open connecting Levels 124 and Levels 125.

While Level 124 is home to At the Top, Burj Khalifa, the observation deck that opened in 2010, Level 125 is part of the At the Top Burj Khalifa SKY journey that takes visitors to the World's Highest Observation Deck on Level 148.

However, from now, visitors who opt for the At the Top, Burj Khalifa experience can also tour Level 125 free of cost with the opening of the new spiral flight, effectively doubling their delight.

Premium ticket holders to At the Top, Burj Khalifa SKY now have the opportunity to visit all three levels 124, 125 and 148, which is the crowning glory at 555 metres high. Each of the levels offers a distinguished experience.

They will now have additional space to move about and absorb views of the city, especially during sunset, when the attraction is at its busiest.

The spiral flight, with 36 steps in white oak and spanning a length of 100 metres, is adorned with a crystal LED chandelier, and enclosed in a glass clad facade that open to scintillating views of the city.

After enjoying the views from Level 124, visitors can now explore one level higher, which serves as a tribute to Arab arts and culture. The entire level is slickly designed and features a Masharabiya motif as part of the décor's central theme.

Here, visitors can take in 360 degree views of the city with signature Viewfinders enabling them to explore the city in vivid details. 'Dubai - A Falcon's Eye View' is another not-to-miss attraction at Level 125 that allows visitors to witness Dubai with an entirely unique perspective.

The construction of the spiral flight too is a construction marvel accomplished with no intrusion into the existing services. Work was undertaken through 24-hour shifts in 1,200 man-hours and conceptualized by deploying 3D modelling techniques.

The spiral flight is built with 60 metric tonnes of steel, 700 square metres of glass, and 350 sq metres of stainless steel cladding. At any point in time, 150 people can pass through the stairway.

Ticket prices are currently an average of AED 125 for At the Top, Burj Khalifa, and AED 500 for At the Top, Burj Khalifa SKY. For bookings, log on to: https://tickets.atthetop.ae/atthetop/Step0_BookingInfo.aspx

Tickets can also be purchased from the starting point of the At the Top, Burj Khalifa journey at The Dubai Mall. For more information please call, 800 AT THE TOP (288 438 67) or visit: www.atthetop.ae   


For more information, please contact:
Kelly Home / Nivine William
ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller
+9714 4507 600
kelly.home@bm.com / nivine.william@bm.com

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