06 July 2015
- Aimed at Providing Ashghal with the Supply of 51 million tons of Gabbro and 41 million tons of limestone for the next five-years, beginning January 1st 2016.

Doha - As part of its ongoing efforts to ensure the availability of construction materials for its upcoming planned infrastructure development projects, H.E. Eng. Nasser bin Ali Al Mawlawi, President of the Public Works Authority and Engineer Abdulaziz Bin Abdullah Al Ansari, chairman of QPMC have signed a strategic framework agreement between the two parties to import raw materials (Gabbro and lime stone). The signing was attended by Hamad Ali Al Mannai, Vice Chairman of the QPMC board and head of stockpile inventory management and primary materials cost control committee at Qatar's Ministry of Economy and Trade, Eng. Eisa Al Hammadi CEO of QPMC, Eng. Mohamed Ali Darwish, Director of Technical Support Affairs in Ashghal, and Abdel Samad Al Mekki, Manager of the Engineering Business Department in Ashghal.

The agreement aims to provide Ashghal with gabbro and limestone in order to achieve its building and constructions programmes and projects in Qatar through contractors. As QPMC guarantees that the prices of the raw materials are fixed in the local market, and enough quantities are available for the first few years, which will achieve stability in prices.

H.E. Eng. Nasser bin Ali Al Mawlawi, President of Ashghal, said that he is pleased to be signing an agreement with QPMC, and considers it a joint success that will achieve the development objectives and implementation of infrastructure. Al Mawlawi also mentioned that as per the agreement, QPMC will provide 41 million tons of limestone and 51 million tons of gabbro aggregates for a period of 5 years, which provides sustainability in raw materials needed by Ashghal. 

Eng. Abdulaziz Al Ansari, chairman of QPMC, said: "The agreement confirms that QPMC has become the trusted arm in Qatar and the region. It can be relied on to pro-vide primary materials of gabbro and limestone, fine sand and washed sand, and within the required quantities for the implementation of major projects in Qatar.

He added: "This framework agreement comes in line with the QPMC's vision, which is based on transforming from forming strategic stock of primary materials for infrastruc-ture projects in Qatar, to meeting Qatar's National Vision 2030, and encouraging all workers in this field whether they are enterprises, private sector or public sector to build major projects in the country and develop national economy.

"The purpose of signing this agreement with Ashghal is to provide it with construction materials needed for its upcoming projects for the next five years. Ashghal is consid-ered a strategic partner for QPMC, and this cooperation will surely enhance projects in the pipeline," he said.

In doing so, QPMC hopes to achieve stability in domestic prices for the benefit of em-ployees and beneficiaries of the construction sector in Qatar.
QPMC CEO Eng. Eisa Al Hammadi, said: "Since its establishment in 2006, QPMC is seeking to ensure the supply of primary materials in the Qatari market, to keep up with the thriving construction industry in the country, especially with Qatar being the next host of the 2022 World Cup and beyond."

Eng. Eisa Al Hammadi said that this agreement would promote the company's position as the trusted supplier of primary material in Qatar as it owns and operates strategic re-serves of primary materials. It also offers integrated solutions in several areas including port management, logistics and supply, storage and distribution to meet the country's needs in the fields of infrastructure and construction.

Al Hammadi confirmed that the agreement signed with Ashghal will continue for the next five years, and aims to encourage Ashghal and its representatives, contractors, and suppliers to work together with transparency, openness, and collaboration to achieve the desired common goals.

Eng. Eissa Al Hammadi said: "It is within the company's vision to provide as much transparency and reliability of its dealings with suppliers and construction contractors to work with each other in an open cooperative and collaborative manner in the spirit of mutual trust to meet their needs for the quality control, maintaining environmental integrity, and to overcome obstacles and achieve the objectives."

It is worth mentioning that QPMC recently signed a memorandum of understanding with the Belgian engineering consultant, port and logistical operator Rent-A-Port to set up mining operations in the Khatmat Malaha area in the Sultanate of Oman and initiate works on limestone and gabbro quarries in addition to a one kilometre long jetty to quarry and transport over 3 million tons of gabbro and marketable primary materials every year by barges to Qatar. This comes as part of QPMC's pledge to create a strate-gic stockpile of aggregates for the country and operates for that matter, a jetty in Lusail area, a Gabbro Berth Terminal in Mesaieed Port, which will have an unloading capacity of 34 million tons a year by 2016, and a floating jetty and stockpile in Ras Laffan which as above-mentioned to import 7.5 million tons of gabbro per annum. In addition to developing gabbro quarries outside of Qatar, mainly in Fujairah and Ras Al Khaimah in the UAE and Khatmat Malaha in Oman, and the sea logistic supply chain; QPMC also produces washed sand and is constructing a cement silo at the gabbro berths to store and discharge over 2 million tons of imported cement annually to meet any increased demand.


About the public Works Authority
The Public Works Authority 'Ashghal' is responsible for the planning, design, procure-ment, construction, delivery and asset management of all infrastructure projects and public buildings of national importance in Qatar.

Committed to achieving Qatar's National Vision 2030, Ashghal contributes to the eco-nomic and social development of the State of Qatar through supervising the execution of infrastructure and public building projects that are consistent with the approved State objectives.

Ashghal has three main programmes:

Expressway programme
It is a long term strategic and programme to build a comprehensive infrastructure for roads, and an advanced road network across the whole country connecting Doha with other areas.

Local Roads and Drainage Programme
The programme started in 2011 as part of Ashghal's plan to develop infrastructure. The Local Roads and Drainage programme is a dynamic programme as new projects are added, expanded or merged to meet the requirements of planning entities and the con-tinuous development across the country.

Inner Doha Resewerage Implementation Strategy (IDRIS)
A comprehensive programme that includes major works such as the main trunk for sewage network, in addition to advanced sewage treatment network works and effective conveyance system.

We, at Ashghal truly believe that "Qatar Deserves The Best". It is not only a slogan. To us, it is a conviction, an attitude, a way of life, and a permanent motive for achieving excellence and world-class quality.

About QPMC
Qatar Primary Materials Company (QPMC) was established on the instruction of the Qatari Government in 2006 to:
•Provide efficient Port Service at the Gabbro berths and develop them for handling larger import volumes of materials.
•Deliver the capability to design, develop and operate jetties at developers' request for Government projects.
•Store a strategic stockpile of aggregates for the Government in Mesaieed.
•Deliver washed sand and to regulate the market for dune sand in Qatar.
•Provide cement silos at the gabbro berths to store and discharge over 2 million tons of imported cement annually to meet expected increased demand.
•Develop gabbro quarries outside of Qatar.
•Develop the sea logistic supply chain.
•Provide comprehensive solutions for the transport, storage and delivery of key primary materials in Qatar.
Since its inception, the company is at the forefront of facilitating Qatar's most ambitious infrastructure and development projects in harmony with Qatar's National Vision 2030 strategies and implementation plans; capable of sustaining its own development and providing highest standards for the nation.

QPMC recently signed a memorandum of understanding with the Belgian engineering consultant, port and logistical operator Rent-A-Port to set up mining operations in the Khatmat Malaha area in the Sultanate of Oman and initiate works on limestone and gabbro quarries in addition to a one kilometer long jetty to quarry and transport over 3 million tons of gabbro and marketable primary materials every year by barges to Qatar. This comes as part of QPMC's pledge to create a strategic stockpile of aggregates for the country and operates for that matter, a jetty in Lusail area, a Gabbro Berth Terminal in Mesaieed Port, which will have an unloading capacity of 34 million tons a year by 2016, and a floating jetty and stockpile in Ras Laffan which as above-mentioned was ready by June 2015 to import 7.5 million tons of gabbro per annum.

In addition to developing gabbro quarries outside of Qatar, mainly in Fujairah and Ras Al Khaimah in the UAE and Khatmat Malaha in Oman, and the sea logistic supply chain; QPMC also produces washed sand and is constructing a cement silo at the gabbro berths to store and discharge over 2 million tons of imported cement annually to meet any increased demand.

Qatar Primary Materials Company (QPMC) stands for: quality, reliability and efficiency.
For media inquiries:
Loucia Isaac Seropian
Communications Advisor - QPMC
M: +97455005785

© Press Release 2015