Dubai, United Arab Emirates(AETOSWire) - Arzan Wealth (DIFC) Limited (‘Arzan Wealth’), a Dubai-based advisory firm regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority, is pleased to announce that it has advised its client on the acquisition of The Post, a trophy creative office building, located in a highly desirable part of Beverly Hills, California. (“The Property”).

The Post is a meticulously designed best in class boutique media asset in prestigious Beverly Hills. Originally constructed as a postal distribution facility, The Post was converted in 2019 into trophy creative office space, featuring 103,555 rentable square feet and an adjoining 3-story parking structure. The property is located in Beverly Hills’ Entertainment & Media Business District, the prime hub for high-profile media and entertainment firms.

The Property is currently 100% leased with a lease term of around 11 years to Live Nation Entertainment and US Postal Services (USPS). The anchor tenant Live Nation holds centre stage as the world’s largest ticket seller and promoter of live entertainment with a market cap of $18 billion as of April 15, 2021.

Arzan Wealth advised on the structuring and acquisition of the asset and will continue in this role during the holding period of this investment, which is projected to deliver average monthly income to clients equal to 8.90% per annum.

Muhannad Abulhasan, CEO of Arzan Wealth said:

“We are delighted to have advised and arranged the acquisition of The Post asset, which we feel should deliver solid returns for our clients. Similar to prior Arzan Wealth deals, this asset is expected to be a safe investment that protects the principal of our clients while providing them with a secure and attractive monthly distribution. This acquisition is also timely for our clients, who have received from Arzan Wealth several profitable exits during 2021, thus allowing them to re-deploy capital into new and attractive opportunities.  We will ensure prudent risk management and attractive financial results are delivered to our valued clients with the objective of protecting their wealth and legacies”


About Arzan Wealth (DIFC) Limited

Arzan Wealth is an investment advisory firm registered at the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), and is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA). Arzan Wealth currently advises various professional clients on real estate, private equity and other investments with a total value of assets advised around US$ 2.37 Billion.  Arzan Wealth focuses on arranging yielding investments in major global markets, as well as bespoke investments that meet the requirements of specific clients.

Past or projected performance is not necessarily a reliable indicator of future results. Arzan Wealth (DIFC) Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from the use of this document or its contents or otherwise arising in connection therewith.

*Source: AETOSWire

Ahmad AlSabbrei
Head of Investment Operations
+965 9988 8624

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