AlMansoori Specialized Engineering, the leader in oilfield services in the Middle East, has successfully contributed to the Early Oil Pilot Scheme (EOPS) launch leading to Kenya’s first oil production and export programme by providing facilities for the landmark project.

The $15 million contract with Tullow Oil, part of Kenya’s EOPS, included the provision of degassing facilities for three well pads and an early production facility (EPF) for oil and water separation, stabilization, storage and export.

The wells are in the South Lokichar Basin, in Turkana County approximately 350 miles north-east of Nairobi, with the facilities designed and manufactured by AlMansoori in Abu Dhabi.

In line with its commitment to supporting the local workforce, AlMansoori has recruited personnel from the local community and has established a program to train and develop these local young people to work in the facilities. Furthermore, AlMansoori is utilizing local fabricators and suppliers to outsource the required materials and consumables for these operations.

The EOPS is a momentous project because it establishes Kenya as the first East African nation to export oil.

Under the scheme, oil from the wells will be transported by road to refineries in Mombassa in advance of an 821 kms pipeline being constructed to allow full production by 2021/2022.

The recent launch of the scheme was attended by H.E. The President of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta, who described it as: “A great day for Kenya.” The launch event was also attended by AlMansoori Production Services (MPS) General Manager, Ahmed Aboulfotouh and Operations Manager Tamer ElZayat.

AlMansoori CEO Nabil Alalawi said: “We were honoured to be chosen to support what is a landmark project for Kenya’s emerging oil industry, and for the country as a whole.

“This important scheme has enabled us to demonstrate our capabilities in executing a full project scope, including engineering, procurement, construction and pre-commissioning as well as the operation and maintenance of the facilities. These have all been undertaken successfully despite challenges due to the conditions, location and human resources available.”

“Although we have worked in East Africa before, this is our first project in Kenya. Our success in supporting the EOPS represents a springboard for us to market our strong EPF capabilities elsewhere in other countries on the continent.”

AlMansoori Specialized Engineering is the leading provider of oilfield services in the Middle East. Founded in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, in 1977, the company has grown to employ a skilled workforce of nearly 3,000 across 22 countries throughout the world. The company has seen a double-digit on year growth for 40 years.

For more information on AlMansoori visit

For more information, please contact:

Andrew Bradshaw, Fifth Ring – +44 (0)1224 628071

Amy Guyan, Fifth Ring – +44 (0)1224 628093

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