Youth Charter

Youth Charter

In celebration of Commonwealth Day, the Youth Charter ( is calling for enhanced collaboration and a unified approach to leverage the power of sport for development and peace. As nations across the Commonwealth come together to honour shared values and aspirations, it is imperative that we recognise the unique role of youth and sport in driving positive change within our communities.

Sport has long been recognized as a powerful tool for fostering social cohesion, promoting inclusion, and empowering young people. It transcends boundaries and brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds, encouraging teamwork, respect, and mutual understanding. The Youth Charter believes that by harnessing this potential, we can address critical challenges such as youth unemployment, gender inequality, and conflict resolution.

"We urge governments, organisations, and stakeholders across the Commonwealth to prioritise and invest in coordinated efforts that integrate sport into development initiatives," said Geoff Thompson, Chair of the Youth Charter. "By working together, we can create sustainable programmes that not only enhance physical well-being but also cultivate essential life skills and promote peace."

The Youth Charter emphasises the importance of engaging young people in the planning and implementation of these initiatives. Their voices and perspectives are crucial in shaping programmes that resonate with their needs and aspirations. As we commemorate Commonwealth Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to empowering youth through sport and creating pathways for dialogue, understanding, and peace.

We invite all Commonwealth nations to join us in this call to action. By fostering partnerships and sharing best practices, we can create a more inclusive and peaceful world where every young person has the opportunity to thrive.



Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Youth Charter.

For further information,

Youth Charter @ Social Media:
LinkedIn: @ YouthCharter
Facebook: @ YouthCharter
Instagram: @ youthchartersdp
Youtube:@ YouthCharter

Youth Charter #Hashtags:
#CommonwealthSecretariat #CommonwealthGamesGlasgow2026 #CommonwealthGamesFederation #CommonwealthYouth #CommonwealthYouthCouncil                    #CommonwealthYouthSportforDevelopmentandPeace #TheKingsFund> #CommonwealthSport #Fight4theStreets #YoungLivesLost #Call2Action #LegacyOpportunity4All

About Youth Charter:
The Youth Charter is a UK registered charity and UN accredited non-governmental organisation. Launched in 1993 as part of the Manchester 2000 Olympic Bid and the 2002 Commonwealth Games, the Youth Charter has Campaigned and Promoted the role and value of sport, art, culture and digital technology in the lives of disaffected young people from disadvantaged communities nationally and internationally. The Youth Charter has a proven track record in the creation and delivery of social and human development programmes with the overall aim of providing young people with an opportunity to develop in life.

Specifically, The Youth Charter Tackles educational non-attainment, health inequality, anti-social behaviour and the negative effects of crime, drugs, gang related activity and racism by applying the ethics of sporting and artistic excellence. These can then be translated to provide social and economic benefits of citizenship, rights responsibilities, with improved education, health, social order, environment and college, university, employment and enterprise.

The Youth Charter ( is a UK registered charity and United Nations Non-Governmental Organization.

Youth Charter
Dame Mary Glen Haig Office for Sport for Development and Peace
London Stadium Learning
London Stadium
E20 2ST