United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)

Africa Day took place on Tuesday the 8th November 2022 at the Africa Pavilion at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. The theme of the event was “Implementation of Climate Actions and Africa’s Responses for a Just and Sustainable Transition”, which closely aligns with the clarion call of COP27 i.e., “Together for implementation”.

The event was graced by numerous ministers as well as the heads of the AUC, ECA, AfDB, AUDA-NEPAD and Afreximbank.

In the run-up to COP27, stakeholders that included policy makers, researchers, civil society, youth, and media gathered in Windhoek, Namibia on the 24-28th October for the 10th conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-X). The event, which was attended by over 400 participants who represented all African sub-regions, produced key messages and recommendations as a contribution towards shaping Africa’s continuing climate change interventions, as well as guiding engagement at the global UNFCCC negotiations platform. The outcome of the conference mirrored contemporary challenges that the continent continues to grapple with, such as just transitions, financing climate action, building climate resilience, bolstering adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Other pressing issues on the agenda included fostering a gender-responsive, inclusive and people centred transition, mitigation and adaptation action, Climate Information Services (CIS) and next steps in the establishment of the African Islands climate commission.

A key message resulting from the CCDA-X interactions underscored the need for Africa to be at the forefront of defining, leading, and owning people-centred just transitions aligned to the fundamental common but differentiated responsibilities principle of the UNFCCC. It is critical to ensure optimal use of the continent’s abundant resources, build resilient economies to close huge development gaps on the continent, unlock socioeconomic benefits, create decent jobs, bring about industrialization, and empower women, youth, and indigenous groups.

As is the tradition in the CCDA dialogue process, consensus building and stakeholder engagement on climate change and development in Africa, under the auspices of the climate for development in Africa (ClimDev-Africa), resulted in a succinct conference outcome, which was presented to participants at the COP27 Africa Day by Namibia, the host of the 10th CCDA conference. The presentation was made by Hon. Heather Sibungo, Deputy Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism.

The full outcome statement is available for your perusal on the conference website by clicking here. The ECA stands ready to support the uptake and implementation of the recommendations, to the extend possible, through its regional mandate.

The youth, who were ably represented at the 10th CCDA conference by numerous continental groups, also developed a set of messages that highlighted imperatives to nurture and integrate youth contributions to climate change solutions. The youth statement can be accessed here.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).