The Presidency, The Arab Republic of Egypt

Today, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Mr. Yoshimasa Hayashi. The meeting was also attended by Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry.

Spokesman for the Presidency, Counselor Ahmed Fahmy, said President El-Sisi asked for his greetings to be conveyed to Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida. The President underscored the great status and appreciation Egypt holds for Japan, at both the official and popular levels. He emphasized Egypt’s commitment to fostering closer bilateral cooperation and to building on the outcome of Prime Minister Kishida’s visit to Egypt in April, during which the Egypt-Japan relationship was elevated to a “Strategic Partnership”.

Minister Hayashi conveyed the greetings and appreciation of Prime Minister Kishida to President El-Sisi, stressing that Japan welcomes the positive progress in the two countries’ joint relations across all levels, in light of the “Strategic Partnership” they share. Japan’s Minister for Foreign Affairs acknowledged Egypt’s accomplishments in the field of development, which contributed to the surge in Japanese investments in Egypt and doubling them over a short period of time. He confirmed that Japan looks forward to continuing and enhancing this path.

The meeting focused on a number of dossiers pertinent to bilateral cooperation in a range of areas. President El-Sisi underlined Egypt’s keenness on strengthening cooperation between the two countries in the field of education, given the interest in benefiting from the distinctive Japanese experience in this regard, particularly with regard to developing an outstanding human personality at all levels. The discussions also touched on various aspects of the ongoing cooperation in energy, transport and technology, in addition to the Grand Egyptian Museum, which is considered a great icon of cultural cooperation between Egypt and Japan.

President El-Sisi and Minister Hayashi tackled international peace and security issues, notably the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and its negative repercussions on the global economic situation as well as the energy and food crises. They also deliberated on a multitude of regional issues of mutual interest. Japan’s Foreign Minister affirmed his country’s position in support of Egypt’s relentless efforts to settle the ongoing crises in the region. The two sides’ views converged on the priority of political solutions and peaceful dialogue, and on maintaining the unity and cohesion of states, so as to safeguard their peoples’ resources and the foundations of their future. President El-Sisi and Minister Hayashi also shared views with regard to the importance of working toward reaching a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue, that shall bring about lasting peace to the region. President El-Sisi reiterated Egypt’s unwavering position on the establishment of an independent Palestinian State, in accordance with international resolutions, in a manner that achieves the interests of all peoples of the region in peace, security and development.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of The Presidency, The Arab Republic of Egypt.