OSLO, March 21 (Reuters) - Norway's Statoil is reducing the number of staff at its installations in Algeria following an attack by Islamist militants on Friday at its In Salah plant, jointly operated with BP and state-owned firm Sonatrach, it said on Monday.

"We are going to reduce the number of employees at our plants in Algeria. It will happen over the next few weeks. Those who are on rotation now will not be replaced when they finish their shifts," said a company spokesman, who declined to say for security reasons how many employees would be affected.

"It's only been four days since shots were fired at In Salah. The production started again, but in the current situation we believe that this is the right decision to make."

Staff would be reduced from the In Salah and In Amenas gas plants, as well at Statoil's operation centre in Hassi Messaoud, he said.

(Reporting by Joachim Dagenborg, writing by Gwladys Fouche, editing by Stine Jacobsen) ((gwladys.fouche@thomsonreuters.com; +47 23 31 65 94; Reuters Messaging: gwladys.fouche.reuters.com@reuters.net))