DUBAI- Iraq set on Wednesday the price of its Basrah Light crude to Asian customers at at $2.25/bbl over the average of the Oman and Dubai benchmark crudes for September, keeping it at the same level as in August, according to a pricing document from the state-oil marketer.
The September official selling price for the Basrah Medium crude to Asia was set at $1.30/barrel over the Oman/Dubai average, down from the differential set for August which was $1.35/barrel above Oman/Dubai.
The September OSP for the Basra Heavy crude to Asia was set at a discount of $0.75/barrel to the Oman/Dubai average, versus a discount of $0.65/barrel to the Oman/Dubai average in August.
(Reporting by Maher Chmaytelli, Editing by Louise Heavens) ((;))