Egypt - Minister of Finance Mohamed Maait stressed the need to strengthen multilateral cooperation for innovative financing solutions to fill the gaps resulting from geopolitical tensions around the world and the huge financing pressures on emerging economies.

The minister said that financial measures must be formulated that are more flexible, appropriate and responsive to exceptional global circumstances, which affect the internal economic conditions of developing countries, including Egypt.

The Minister of Finance noted that the government IPO programme is a strong boost to efforts to empower the private sector, revealing that the volume of subscriptions for companies that were offered within this programme reached $3.5bn.

Maait pointed out: “The government is committed to taking into account development priorities in formulating government policies and programmes for the benefit of citizens and working to extend the umbrella of social protection to reduce the intensity of inflationary burdens, especially on groups most in need and affected by the difficult effects resulting from exceptional global crises.”

Maait elaborated that the expansion of the base of beneficiaries of the Takaful and Karama programme to cover 5.2 million families, and the increase in monthly grants for them by about 25%, in addition to increasing pensions by 15%.

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